Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Ellie Roger:

I sat in my bedroom drawing random circles on the piece of paper in boredom.

I had no homework or assignments to do so I was going to meet Alex for a date later but the chances of me being allowed out were next to none.

I was sure if the fact that they'd find out that I got eighty percent on one of my maths tests.

It's not my fault the teacher sucks.

I rubbed my temple and checked my phone for any messages.

Seeing that I didn't have any I drooped it onto the table and stood up, exiting the room.

I made my way through the hallway and into the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge when I heard the front door being unlock and my parents feet pattering against the floor.

Ignoring it I grabbed out the strawberry milk carton and sat it on the bench, bending over to grab a glass from the draw underneath the white counter.

"Hey honey." My mum said smiling at me, brushing back a loose strand of black hair.

"Hey mum." I said pouring the pink liquid into the glass.

"How'd you go in that maths test dear?"

I sucked in a deep breath and took a sip of my milk, doing my best to avoid my mums question for ad long as I could.

"Ellie?" My mum said and I turned to face her face that was pulled into it's usual smile.

"Oh, um I got one hundred percent." I fake smiled at her as I lied in hopes that she wouldn't figure out I was lying to her.

"Very good. For all your hard work I'll let you go out this afternoon seen as you don't have anything else to do. Just make sure you tell me when do go." My mum told me in a sweet voice.

"Thank you mum." I said out stretching my arms around her.

"No problem sweetie." She said.

"I'm just going to go get ready. I might go somewhere with Livvi." I lied.

"Alright honey." My mum responded and I turned around to the opposite direction and made my way to to bathroom that was on the left of my parents bedroom.

My hand grabbed onto the silver door handle and I twisted it in a circle revealing the small bathroom with a shower in the cornet with the toilet sitting next to the sink in which was next to the shower.

The tiles on the floor were pristine white while the ones lined on the wall were checkered.

I looked at myself in the mirror that was above the sink and took in my neat pony tail that went to my shoulders and my glasses that sat across my face.

Reaching my hand up to my eyes I grabbed the glasses gingerly off my face, sitting them on the side of the sink.

Now that my glasses were off my face the vision of myself was blurred but I could still evidently see what I looked like.

Smiling at myself I started searching the draws for some contact lenses that I could wear and finally found some in the button draw.

Mentally cheering in my brain I opened the white container and poked my finger onto the clear contact.

Using my free hand I pulled back the bottom of my eye and brought the contact over towards it, placing the contact onto my eye and I blinked repeatedly until I couldn't feel it there any longer.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now