Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Trey Denver:

I layed on my bed and stared at the white wall that had about three holes in it in the shape of my fist.

My phone was on my stomach causing it to go up and down when I breathed.

Mum would be home soon.

I'm sure of it and I needs to get ready fir the party but it wasn't for another two hours.

My phone buzzed on my stomach and I grabbed it in a hurry, almost dropping it off the side of my small bed that I wasn't even sure would even be classed as a single bed.

Using my right hand I checked my new message.

-are you Trey Denver?-

"What?" I said out loud and put my hand onto my cheek.

Who in earth was this?

I decided to text back, -yes, whose this?-

It was probably some chick who got my number from somewhere and wanted to change my 'bad boy' ways.

During my daydream I heard a crashing sound and sat up in a rush and my heart sled up.

I swung my legs off the bed, almost falling over from the sudden numbness that was spreading up my legs and the rest of my body.

Once I was in a standing position I closed my eyes, opening them a second later.

I had to hide or something.

Maybe I could grab my party stuff and jump out the window.

Looking at my wooden sliding door that couldn't be locked I came up with an idea with smashing noises in the background.

I made my way over to my bed where a blue school char sat.

My hands wrapped around the chair and I picked it up causing my arms to flex.

I looked over at the door to see some long fingers decorated with cuts on the door and I yelped, racing over to the door, leaning the chair against the already half open door.

She kicked the chair away with her long leg, flinching at the impact it had on her bare foot.

I almost laughed out loud, but resisted.

"Why'd you put that god damn chair there!" My mother howled causing me to step back, tripping over the chair leg.

I landed on my butt with a loud thud causing my mother to laugh, her head moving forwards and backwards.

Her cheeks were covered in cuts from the glass and underneath her eyes were the familiar bags which caused her to be even scarier.

"You've been naughty my dear child. Cutting class and not coming home from school on time." She smiled.

Her teeth remained out of view and her smile was in a straight line, creeping me out.

Weird smile.

"I'm sorry mother." I whispered looking at the dirty mat that had red stains throughout it.

"Don't sorry me child. I know you don't mean it!" She yelled, her cut up cheeks flared red and her nose scrunched up.

My heart pounded in my chest rapidly and I lent my hand over it, feeling my heart beat.

Her tall body lent forward slightly so that I could see her red eyes and her pointed noise.

Her hand moved from her side and met with my cheek causing it to squish my lips and a red hand mark appeared on my skin.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now