Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Trey Denver:

I drove on my motorbike towards the perfectly straight road with the sea crashing against the rocks.

My fingers trembled and my grip loosened slightly on the bike handles.

I sucked in a deep breath and turned my head from right to left in attempts to find a place to stop.

I couldn't drive forever.

Sooner or other I was going to have to face her no matter the consequences but for now I needed an escape.

I heard the whistle of the trees blowing in the wind.

The sound of waved was also humming in my ears as the violence of them crashed against the rocks that sat on the edge of the water.

You could hear the sounds of cars racing by making my ears deaf like, but I ignored it, knowing that later they would pop.

My hands gripped onto the steering wheel tighter, suddenly my hands not trembling and I turned to the right of the road which led into Gosford.

The bike jerked sideways making me lean slightly over.

I searched the area for any type of park but there was none in my sight causing me to groan loudly.

Maybe I would just keep riding.

Just when I actually though I'd need to turn back I remembered the grassy field next to Blue Tongue Stadium and another grassy area across from it they had water beside it.

I drove my bike for ten minutes longer until I spotted the grassy area where I drove into the car park area, larking my bike in the far left of the last row.

I jumped off the bike and ripped my helmet of, shaking my hair around out of habit.

There were a bunch if kids mucking around with a soccer ball, kicking it high into the air towards each other.

Dropping the helmet onto the ground I avoided the looks of the kids and sat on the opposite side of the field, crossing my legs.

A piece of wet grass prickled into my skin and I ripped it out with my middle fingers, scrunching it up into a tiny ball, throwing it in the distance.

After throwing the grass I grasped my phone from my school bag and stared at it, wondering if I should tell my mm and dad that I was at a friends house.

Maybe I'd get in less shit.

Opening up my messages I clicked my finger onto the button that caused me to go into the mobile number for my mum.

-I'm at Fox's place with Harvey. Be home around nine thirty-

When I fished the text I threw it forward causing it to land onto the wet grass a couple of centimeters away from where I sat.

"Hey! This field is for kids soccer training, that's it." A guy said to me and I looked up and took in his features.

He had high cheek bones with various freckles across his mid sized nose.

His blonde hair was patted down by his backwards cap in which had red on the back and black on the back of the hat.

His red shirt was rolled up slightly showing off his flat stomach with a line of dark hairs.

The sight made me snicker loudly and the guy raised his thin eyebrow at me in wonder.

"Sorry dude, but I ain't moving. You aren't my mum or dad. Can't tell me what to do."

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