Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Ellie Roger:

"Fox why are you here? I thought you had family stuff on?" Trey asked Fox and I glanced over at my boyfriend who was scratching his arm with his free hand.

Alex's hand felt surprisingly comforting considering the situation we were in, but that didn't stop me from being extremely nervous.

The secret was out, I just knew it.

"Um, you see, um that's the thing, I lied." Fox said, his eyes averting to the ground.

Trey sighed and I noticed Harvey rub his forehead so that his beanie was almost falling of his head.

"Why did you have to lie to us. Why couldn't you tell us about her!" Harvey shouted and I stared at the ground, hiding half of my body behind my boyfriends.

"Our relationship was a secret. Her parents can't find out about this." Fox said in a freaked tone.

"Why not and why would we tell her parents when we don't know them?" Trey asked Alex.

"Not even Ellie's best friend knows and also a bit because we were scared that you'd judge us. A bad boy and a nerd, let's be realistic and her parents can't find our because they hate me, or at least my kind, our kind." Fox mumbled to the ground.

Trey rolled his eyes and Harvey spoke up again.

"Hey, dude we weren't going to judge you if you decided to tell us."

Just before Fox was going to answer a ringing came from his pocket and he picked it up and answered it, letting go of my hand.

All my boyfriends attention was on the phone.

"What do you mean dad?" Fox said in a shaky voice and I looked at him with concern.

Everyone stood staring at Alex as he talked to his dad and all you could hear was one side of the conversation so to me everything was confusing.

I stood next to him nervously.

All this company and Alex talking to his dad on the phone gave me a funny feeling in my stomach.

Was it because our secret was out, or was it because he was willingly talking to his dad on a phone and let me tell you this right now that was a very rare occurrence for Alex.

Alex didn't like talking snout his dad much but from the stuff he'd told me, he and his dad always fought but he had a really close relationship with his mum.

"No! Dad I'm coming right now, I don't give a shit about staying here just to watch a movie when this, this has happened!" He yelled through the phone and the three of us gave him worried glances.

"Yep, okay, bye. I'll be there as soon as I can." He sighed and turned around giving me a hug and whispered something in my ear.

"Ellie, it's my mum she's in the hospital." My boyfriend choked out in a shaky breath and sounded almost like he was going to burst into tears at any given moment.

"Are you okay Alex?" I asked him with concern and I said it in a silent whisper so the others wouldn't hear.

"No." He sighed, "dad told me to stay here with my friends, but I told him that I didn't care, that I was coming. I'm sorry princess." Alex whispered to me as quietly as he possibly could.

"It's okay. Want me to come with you?" I asked in a whisper.

"Yeah." He whispered, "I think it's time to met my dad anyway, seen as the secrets out."

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now