Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Ellie Roger:

I opened the grey car door of my Holden Cruse and hopped in, grabbing a hold of the black seatbelt.

I heard my seatbelt click in and i put my hands around the black steering wheel, driving out of the automatic double doored garage.

As I drove along I twisted the volume button up to about sixteen and hummed rather loudly to Demons by Imagine Dragons.

I could see the view if the black gates to the school that were wide open for the students to drive in a park in the car park.

I found a parking spot in the third row, fourth spot, in which was next to my boyfriend Alex's Audi R7.

I found myself smiling at the fact he had decided to turn up on this twenty five degree Celsius day.

Opening the car door back up with my long, skinny fingers, I slid out of the car gently.

Shutting the door I looked at myself in the car mirror.

My hair was in a best pony tail and my round, black rimmed glasses sat across my kaleidoscope eyes and touched the bridge of my tiny nose.

I sucked in a breath and turned around on the soles of my feet that had black, leather ravens on them.

I put my heavy, purple back onto my shoulders and walked into the school where I would meet up with my best friend Livvi.

I scratched the side of my face with the tip of my sharp nail and put my arm back against my side.

My arms swung slightly as I walked towards the canteen area.

I spotted the familiar brown haired girl in the canteen line up, fiddling with her gold coins.

I laughed and walked over towards a metal pole that was situated on the right wide of the canteen, catching Livvi's brown eyes.

She waved towards me showing her nearly straight teeth, smiling.

I waved my hand back at her and smiled too before setting my arm to my side once again.

Livvi was third in line.e

In front of her was a guy with bleach blonde hair, then a girl with short, choppy, brown and blonde hair.

It actually looked really pretty.

It was her new hairstyle.

The small girl was in my class, with the name Lisa. 

My head turned towards my left and I saw three figures walking straight ahead, in which one was my boyfriend Alex.

Nobody knew about him, even Livvi who I told nearly everything to.

It was out little secret and I loved it.

The best thing about him was his gorgeously breathtaking smile and also the way he laughed cutely at me when I got excited or happy about something.

I wished we didn't have to keep it a secret but our relationship was strong.

We'd been going out for around two months.

I stopped smiling and turned my attention back towards Livvi who was making her way over to me, her smile showing her dimple on the right side of her tanned cheek.

"Ellie! Want a muffin?" She asked holding out a vanilla, choc chip muffin.

"Yep. I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning." I smiled at my best friend in appreciation.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now