Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

Sawyer Sadie:

-Meet me for dinner. Pretty please. You can even bring Ed ;)-

I rolled my eyes and typed back a reply.

-fine... But I'm going to see my mum first. Meet me at the coffee shop, 304 at seven o'clock?-

I shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my car keys from the opposite pocket in my shorts.

Since Ed wasn't around I was wearing very revealing clothes just in case someone saw me while I was out.

My shorts were tiny and my pink shirt showed my belly button in full view which usually got everyone staring at me because of it.

I have no idea why they'd stare at it though.

Sighing I jumped in the car and saw my bag of shopping for my mum on the seat next to me.

It had just about everything she asked for the last time I had visited her.

Ed was in the care of a babysitter so that I could go see my mum alone and speaking if that she was getting out in two days because the only thing wring with her was the concussion and the loss of blood which left her weak.

My dad was being arrested for abandonment of his kids and physical abuse to his wife, although since he only pushed her and slapped her he was getting out in two year.

Hopefully he could be a better dad, even if my mum kicks him out.

I dint want him out of my life completely, he's my dad after all.

I parked in the hospital car park and grabbed the plastic bag from beside me and hopped out of the car, the doors lemming behind me.

Walking towards the doors, they opened automatically and I walked through looking at all the people sitting down in the black chairs.

Some were crying while others had a child with a broken bone or a cut.

Something easily fixed.

Seeing all the upset people in the waiting area I suddenly felt guilty.

Maybe I'd been a bit selfish lately because some people had it way worse than me, at least my parents still lived and bought me food along with clothes.

We weren't poor either.

I just couldn't seem to shake off my insecurities and my depression.

Maybe it's time that I get rid of it.

Maybe Dean could help me.

I made my way to the reception desk and the young lady looked up at me with a smile showing her perfect teeth.

I rolled my eyes at the sight and smiled with falseness.

"How may I help you Miss."

"Call me Sawyer please and I'm here to see Pauline Sadie, she's my mum."

"Alright dear she should be up for visitors and do you know what room she's in?" The lady asked sweetly.

"Yes I do, thanks." I said waving goodbye to the kind lady at the reception.

The lady didn't seem to realise that my face was caked with makeup, she didn't roll her eyes or scoff when she saw what I looked like, like most people did and it surprisingly made me feel a little bit better about my pesky.

I walked into the elevator and stood there next to a tall man with red hair and light blue eyes.

His smile was turned into a frown and his burly hands were rubbing together with sweat beading off his forehead.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now