Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Max Henderson:

I stared at the ceiling in boredom, my eyes dropping every second but each time they did so I opened them as wide as I could to stay awake.

My hand stroked the dog that sat sleeping beside me.

I swear that dog always slept.

I started clicking my tongue out of sheer noises and the dog shifted in his position as I did this.

Not knowing what to do I sat up and got off the comforts of my bed to go watch TV in the lounge room.

Mum and dad weren't home yet so it was all good.

When I got out to the lounge room I sat on the lunge and grabbed the control that laid next to a neatly set out black cushion.

My hand reached out and grabbed a hold of it.

I pressed the seven button and the TV flickered to Home and Away where Heath was getting slapped by 'The Sniper' or just Ms Montgomery, but let's just say I much preferred calling her the Sniper.

The scene on the TV had changed to Heath storming off and onto Oscar and Evelyn.

They were twins like Maxine and I.

Speaking of Maxine I heard her girly voice fill my ears in a muffled sentence and I turned around to see her murmuring things in the ear of Saffron.

I laughed at her.

People thought we were seriously not twins because of our personality difference but here was the proof that she was indeed my twin.

Taking the opportunity I grabbed out my phone and quickly clicked into the little camera item and brought my phone over to where Maxine was standing talking to Saffron in her ear and pressed the red record button.

The screen filled with Maxine's face close up and Saffrons ear with Maxine mouth right near it.

From the close up view of my twin sister you could see her makeup particles and a tiny pimple on the far right of her chin.

I snickered and Maxine turned to look at me as I began smirking.

"Gotcha!" I yelled in excitement, ending the recording and begun to run away from my sister and trying to hide my phone from her view.

I could hear her footsteps banging behind me and I picked up the pace of my run, speeding through the blurring object in the house, laughter filling the hallway that echoed.

"Max!" I heard my sister yell at me from a few meters behind.

It would take her a lot if effort if she wanted to catch up.

Continuing to run when I suddenly stopped with my keg in mid air and the keg dropped to the ground with force, causing me to groan as pain shit through my ankle.

I rubbed the bone in circled and felt the twinning pain disappear slightly.

I was sure it was only jarred so I started running again, although slower than what I had been before and I turned to look at Maxine who was catching up to me, Saffron in her arms bouncing up and down as my sister ran at a slow pace.

I turned my head back to the front and broke out in a sprint, rushing last the kitchen, my parents bedroom and one if the bathroom.

Soon I was in the third or something hallway suddenly puffing, my chest puffing in and out with great speed.

I stood there and bent over, feeling Maxine tackle me to the ground causing me to grown from the impact I had with the floor.

"Now give me your phone do you can delete that!" She demanded.

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