Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Maxine Henderson:

I got out if the car and searched for the house we were suppose to be meeting the family at and at spotted it three houses down the street.

"It's down there." I pointed out to Max who was standing there in a daze.

I rolled my eyes at my brother and poked his bare shoulder.

"Max!" I shouted in a soft tone so I wouldn't be heard by the whole neighborhood.

He snapped out of his daze and turned his head towards me.

"What you say?"

"I said its down there." I repeated and pointed in the direction of the house location.

"Oh, alright." Max answered me and began pacing towards the house.

I followed suit quickly afterwards.

When Max and I reached the house I took in its appearance.

The house was shaped like a small box with grey, wooden slits that decorated the outside of the house.

There were four windows to the house.

Two sitting next to each other on each side and there was a small car parked out the front of the house.

One of the tires half in a hole.

When we got to the front door I was about to knock on it but noticed how it was slightly left ajar.

The door creaked open slightly more and I grabbed a hold of it, poking my head in the house.

The hallway to the house was empty with the gib rocked walls slowly falling apart.

There was chopped paint left laying on the scratched up timber floors and you could see a candle lit up at the end of the hallway.

"Hello?" I called out, opening the door further and stepping in the house.

Max followed me in and stared around at the hallway in wonder and I could only imagine what he was thinking.

"Hello." I called out again, entering into a small room with a lit up candle and four sleeping bags left on the floorboards.

I studied the room in wonder.

Where did the family go?

Did I get the wrong house?

They should be here.

I met my eyes with Max's and shrugged my shoulder, scared to talk out loud.

He eyed me warily and said, "I thought people were suppose to be here."

"Me too." I answered in a whisper, my eyes flickering over to the bathroom that was across from the small bedroom.

There was nobody in the bathroom either.

I studied the bedroom more when I heard a high pitched yapping coming from one of the sleeping bags.

My mouth opened slightly and my eyebrows raised.

What the hell?

My heart thumped in my chest and I sucked in a shaky breath, inching closer to the blue sleeping bag where a small figure wriggled inside it and yelped.

I screamed loudly, my heart beating faster than before.

"Maxine?" My brother called from the doorway in a worried tone.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now