Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

Maxine Henderson:

I picked Saffron up from the sitting position she was in on the floor and let her wrap her arms around my neck.

Making my way out to the lounge room I saw Max watching Home and Away on the plasma screen TV.

Saffron squirmed in my arms and I started whispering in her ear, feeling the eyes of Max stare into me.

Looking over at Max I saw that he had been recording me whisper in her ear and I growled.

"Gotcha!" He yelled in excitement, ending the recording and begun to run away from me and tried to hide his phone from my view.

I begun to run after him as quickly as I could with Saffron still in my arms.

I must say it was pretty difficult to run with her in my arms.

"Max!" I yelled from a few metres back in the hall that echoed and I could just hear his laughter.

It would take me a lot of effort if I wanted to catch up to my twin brother.

I continued to run and noticed that Max had fallen and he stood in the middle of the hallway rubbing his ankle bone.

Maybe this was my chance to catch up to him and grab the phone so I could delete the recording.

Max then started to run again, but this time slower and I tried running harder, Saffron bouncing up and down in my arms as I ran.

He turned his head back out to the front and started sprinting faster then he had been before and I sat Saffron on the ground so that I could catch up to him.

"Stay there Saffron." I whispered to her and started running through the hallway and into the kitchen, through some other places and finally saw Max.

Max stood in an arched position and you could hear his rapid breathing.

Someone was a little un-fit.

Using this as my chance I talked him to the ground, pinning him down using my hands against his muscled arms.

"Now give me your phone do you can delete that!" I demanded angrily.

"I don't understand why you are so angry." Max said to me and I rolled my eyes.

He knew exactly why.

"Ugh, you know why." I groaned, growing impatient.

"I won't if you won't tell me sis." He said laughing from the floor.

"Fine! I know you took it as proof that I'm just as weird as you." I growled at him.

"Way to insult your twin brother!" He growled and pushed me off him, storming off into his bedroom in anger.

Geez I didn't mean it as an insult I was just trying to get my point across.

Sighing I went back to where I left Saffron to see her sleeping on the ground and I smiled, bending over to pick her up.

She was in my arms bridal style and I carried her out to my bedroom where I laid her in the single bed that my parents had bought for her and put the covers over her as she slept.

Smiling at her I stripped my pants off, putting my pyjamas to replace them.

"I'm going to Damon's!" My brother called out and I replied with an okay.

Deciding I didn't want to go to bed just yet I trudged out to the lounge room yawning in boredom.

That's when I heard keys jingling and the door creaking open.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now