Chapter 30

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(Authors note: John Legend All of Me music video is on the side and I really think it represents Lincoln and Lydia so listen to it, maybe?)

Chapter 30:

Lincoln Xavier:

I sat fiddling with the rim of the glass that was full of coke while waiting for Zoe to turn up.

A minute later I heard clapping sounds and I turned around to face Zoe who was dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt that said, 'stick it'.

Her red hair was tied up in a loose pony tail that bobbed up and down as she trudged towards me, a smile on her face.

"Hey Zoe." I said without a smile and she waved shyly at me.

I could feel some on lookers and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

They probably thought this was another one of my usual hook up and have 'sex'.

Nobody even knew that I'd only done it once, they just gathered that I did it with every girl me hooked up with and the truth was that I could never ever do it with anyone else other than my beautiful Lydia who rarely ever disappeared from my thoughts.

"Hey how's it going?" She asked as she sat down on the seat.

"Alright." I sighed.

"Okay what's on your mind?" Zoe asked.

""Just Lydia again." I gave Zoe a half smile and ran a hand through my hair which caused some if my hair to stick up in odd directions.

"You always think about her, what happened?"

"Yep, bit hard not to think of her she was my absolute everything and I can't believe I'm actually letting this stuff out." I sighed.

"It's good, your getting it out if your system, keep talking." Zoe smiled at me while flicking a strand of her hair away from her eye.

"Alright I'll keep talking. So she gave me a letter when she left and I only just read it and I can't believe I missed all the signs and I just miss her so so much Zoe." I closed my eyes and breathed out a deep breath.

"Gm have you tried talking about this with your family?"

"Nope and that's only because I don't want to worry them all with my stupid problems just because I can't deal with them myself." I said pursing my lips.

"Well on Saturday want to talk about it all with me and I'll let you in in some if my issues?"

"Sure." I agreed with a smile.

Zoe was really kind and I couldn't believe the guys in my elective class teased her.

She was just as beautiful as anyone else and what that guy did to her was disgraceful.

I was glad she was becoming my friend.

"Alright I'll let you know what time and where. Do you want anything to eat, I'm going up to order something?" Zoe asked and stood up and patted her shirt down.

"Um yeah can you get me some cheesecake? I'll pay you back when you get back to the table." I asked with a smile.

"Yep that's fine." She smiled and left the table to go and get our food.

As I waited for her to return I grabbed out my phone to message my younger brother.

-Tell mum that I might be gone longer than I thought-

A second later my phone beeped and I rolled my eyes at how quick he could text, either that or he was just sitting right on his phone.

-Will do. Why didn't you just text mum?-

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