Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Sawyer Sadie:

I stared into the mirror that stood in my bedroom.

My school skirt was folded over too many times to count and it reached just a little under my butt and my school shirt was tied with one of my hair ties revealing my belly button.

My eyes dropped down and stared at the dirty woolen carpet that had a bunch of my pillows scrawled across it.

The pillows were a variety of colours.

Red, black, blue and green.

There was also a big, pink pillow with a rip that was torn by the cat who was happily sleeping on my unmade bed.

She rolled over with about showing her furry white belly.

My lips twitched and I made my way over to the cat, wrapping my arms around her.

"Come on Kit, not in my bedroom." I whispered softly to the cat while I rubbed behind her triangular war causing her to purr with content and snuggled deeper into my chest as I made my way out if my bedroom where I could here my little brother sniffling.

My emotionless face formed into a saddened frown as I pushed my blonde hair back.

It's what I did every time I felt sad.

I glanced around the empty hallway until I cake to Ed's closed door.

My hand reached out and met the silver door knob, twisting it in a circle.

"Ed?" I whispered.

My eight year old brother sat on his single bed with his small arms wrapped around his legs.

His face was buried into his knees which muddled the cries to some extent.

I quickly walked over to him and sat myself on the bed beside his crying body.

My hand reached to touch his shoulder.

"Ed, talk to me, please. I know it hurts that I'm not me anymore, that mum and dad can't seem to give us the time of the day as they spend it fighting. I know."

Feeling my eyes water I reached my hand up and rubbed my eyes causing them to go red, but at least only temporary.

He lifted his face and looked at me with his bright red cheeks and puffy blue eyes.

Eds black hair drooped slightly into his forehead and he brought his hand up to his reddened cheek, wiping away the tears.

"Sawy, why are you dressed like that?" He asked me putting a pouty face on and his eyes sparkled with the years that were building in his eyes. 

"It's the school uniform. This is what you wear when you get to big school." I said even though I knew that wasn't the answer he was looking for.

"No silly. Why is you shirt tied up and skirt up so high?" He asked in a cute voice pointing towards my clothes.

"Oh, my skirt is just too small on me and my hair tie must have gotten caught on my shirt." I lied to the little boy, despite feeling bad immediately afterwards.

Ed laughed softly, his mouth forming into a big smile and he engulfed me in a hug.

I rubbed the back of his superman shirt with my hand as he buried his head closer into mine.

Kit; the cat had ran off screeching moments beforehand, probably running into a fighting mum and dad.

"I'll tell you something very confidential but you gotta keep it a secret, okay?"

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now