Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Max Henderson:

I lay across my bed and stared at the ceiling in boredom.

There was nothing interesting to do in this house other than play the computer, my phone or watch TV.

Those were just things people turned to when they're bed.

They're not really important but most people seemed to think that.

They give up everything just to get a hold of an Internet source, but really what's so good about them?

They're fun?

They're a way for people to communicate without doing it in person.

They allow people to get bullied in places other than school.

Yep they're great for everything.

I sighed in exasperation and swung my legs off the bed and made my way to the bedroom next to mine.

The door was closed shut with the words, 'KEEP OUT!' Written across the white door.

My hand met with the door, hitting it lightly, ensuring that I didn't knock too loudly or Maxine would yell at me.

No clue why.

The door opened up and I watched as Maxine smiled at me while ushering me in, her hand welcoming me in.

"What time do we have to go to make it on time?" I asked her as she went and sat on her queen bed that had girly flower covers that made me want to vomit.

"What time do you think?" She replied in a sarcastic tone and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh you know maybe the time the man on the moon takes to get to sleep. I don't know."

"You're so weird. Six o'clock we need to leave so that they're is enough time left to get there at seven due to the fact that the time it takes to get there is ham fan hour." She responded and folded her arms together.

"Alright, well I'll meet you out the front then. For now I'm going to get some food, and no, not off the maid who seems to think I can't do anything myself." I told my sister and she slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"I really question if your my twin sometimes."

"Is that suppose to be an insultment?" I asked my sister, my right foot stepped behind me.

She shook her head, causing her straight hair to move side to side slightly.

I turned my back towards her and opened the door, walking out into the kitchen where the maid that cooked was humming a classical tune under her breath all the while flipping round pieces of bacon on the black pan that was sitting on the electric stove top.

Her greeting hair was done up in a tight bun with some pieces falling loose and clung to the side of her sunken cheeks.

"Lulu, do you want me to take over that for you. I think you need to go have a rest. You're looking a little pale." I said walking up to her and stood at her side, looking up at her triangular face.

"No, no I'm right dear." The old lady smiled at me in kindness.

I smiled back up at her and headed over to the double doored cupboard that had lines of food stacked on each one.

The first row consisted of sauces used for flavor in cooking and the second row had packets of things like bars, biscuits, chips, noodles and lots of other stuff.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now