Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Sawyer Sadie:

"That ice-cream good Ed?" I asked my little brother who was licking a chocolate ice-cream cone with his tongue.

"Yes it is Sawy. Can I have another one." He smiled up at me.

I shook my head at him and checked my watch that I'd had since I was a little baby.


That meant that everyone that had gone to school was out but it didn't worry me because nobody would recognize me while I was wearing normal clothes.

I walked with Ed beside me over to the park where kids were playing happily.

There was a swing set where two kids swung, their smiles bright.

There was also a large triangular figure where you climb the ropes.

Ed let go of my hand and ran quickly over to the climbing frame where I knew that he would go down the slide attached to it.

I ran after him and stood at the edge of the climbing frame staring at Ed slowly climb up, then moving towards the left.

From the corner if my eye I noticed a flash of black hair and I turned to meet my eyes with these gorgeous sapphire ones.

My eyes flickered up to see this guys black hair sticking up in different angles while a piece clung to his pale forehead.

His lips were formed in a creepy half smile, showing the ends of his white teeth, but not too white.

"Is that your brother?" The mystery guy said deeply.

"Yep." I replied, not wanting to talk to the guy.

"Unless I'm looking at some other kid, then that's awkward." He babbled and looked upwards.

I pointed at Ed who was sliding down the slide, a smile reaching halfway up his cheeks and he clapped his hands together in delight.

"That's him." I said, no emotion coming out of my voice.

"He's cute. My sister is the little girl on the swings over there." Mystery guy said pointing to a little girl that had the same black hair as the guy.

"She looks like you." I responded with an emotionless face.

"Yeah she does and you know if you smile it'd make you prettier than you already are, oh and I'm Dean, Dean Underwood." Dean flashed a smile at me.

My eyes flickered in disbelief, but I chose to ignore that comment.

He was either lying or I was imaging that sentence. 

"So what's your name?" He asked me after realizing I wasn't replying.

"I don't know if ill let you in on that information." I said to him and saw Ed race over to me.

His little hands tugged at my wrist and I looked down to his small figure.

"Sawy, Sawy come on the slide with me." My little brother pleaded.

I laughed and shook my head.

"no you know I hate slides Ed." I said ruffling his hair causing him to move.

"Sawyer don't ruffle my hair." He protested.

I smiled innocently at him when I heard Deans deep voice from beside me.

"So that's your name. Sawyer, I like it." He winked at me and I scoffed.

"No winking. Nothing will ever happen between us." I growled at him, blowing a piece of my blonde curls causing it to land across my face.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now