Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Sawyer Sadie:

Drops of water poured down my cheeks and I let out strangled cries, my chest heaving as I did so.

My mum was on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding her and her face was pale.

I looked up to see my dad backed up against a wall with blood covered on his hands and a look of horror was on his face.

"Sawyer." My dad said in a shaky breath and I cried out.

Tears poured down my face as I sobbed, dropping onto the floor and I cried out in agony.

"What did you do to her!" I yelled at my dad.

"I-I pushed her and she fell and it her head. I didn't mean Sawyer. It just happened."

"Your lucky Ed hasn't come down here!" I screamed at him and stood up onto my feet, shakily grabbing out my phone from my pocket.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, for everything I've done!" My father cried out putting his blood covered hands over his frail looking facing as he cried.

I held back a sob and rang 911.

"Hello, 911 speaking." A lady answered.

"My mum, she needs a hospital. She hit her head and ages bleeding." I said to the lady, shaking.

While I waited for her answer I looked at my crying dad and said, "why are your hands covered in blood?"

"I-I held her head." He wailed, dropping onto the bedroom floor with a thump.

"Okay." I sniffed.

"Whereabouts are you." The lady in the phone asked.

"65 Moana Street, woy woy."

"Alright. An ambulance will be with you immediately."

I hung up the phone and sat back down on the timbered floor, holding onto my mums head, feeling the blood seep through my fingers.

"You're going to be alright mum." I sobbed.

"The ambulance is coming soon."

My mothers mouth opened and I heard a raspy voice leak out.

"I'm sorry my baby. You dint deserve to be ignored like you are, but I have no choice." She strangled out and groaned afterwords.

"You do have a choice, leave dad." I whispered to her over the cries of my dad and the new sounds of sirens blasting outside the house.

I got up and ran outside, picking my brother up from his stand still position in the lounge room.

The ambulances were parked outside on the grass and Ed started snuffing, tears running down his cheeks.

I hid his face from the view of our mum getting taken away in an ambulance and our shaking and crying, his black hair soaking wet with sweat get taken away by the police who had turned up just moments beforehand.

I just stood there and cried, holding Ed tight in my arms.

I saw a young lady walk up to me, her hair tied up in a neat bun and her pale skin glowed in the moonlight.

"I think it's best that you and your brother stay here tonight. You can go visit your mother tomorrow after school and I also suggest that you call up someone to stay at your house tonight. These streets are no longer safe at night."

"Yeah okay." I whispered.

The lady turned away and I sat on the front steps of the house, cradling Ed in my arms as he slept. 

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