Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Trey Denver:

I sat in third period rocking back and forth on my chair, throwing scrunched up pieces of paper at the back of Harvey's head.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, fixing his blue beanie up that he had been told to take off about eight times already and it was only ten minutes into the class.

The teacher was droning on about some random maths shit but I wasn't listening.

What did she expect me to pay attention?

I had better things to worry about.

Sighing I grabbed out my black headphones and shoved them in both of my ears, turning the music up loud enough so others would be able to hear.

Still swinging on my chair I scrunched another piece of paper up and threw it across the room, hitting the back of the nerdy girls head.

I resisted the urge to snicker.

She turned to face me, her glasses slipping from her face slightly.

She glared at me and rolled her eyes that I couldn't really see the colour of due to the fact that her glasses seemed to be clouded over.

When she turned around I looked at Harvey who was laughing, holding his stomach.

"Enough laughing over nerdy girl but I need to tell you something man."

"What is it?" I asked Harvey, almost falling back.

"Fox was talking to some chick last night and called her princess." Harvey gagged, poking a finger in his open mouth.

I snickered and raised one of my eyebrows.

Since when did Fox call his chicks princess?

Usually I heard the baby and the bub, sometimes babe, but never princess.

"Is there something that guy is not telling us? He never calls anyone princess. That's just gross."

"Harvey, Trey!" My teacher called out in a stern voice.

Her unruly brown hair covered half of her face and the other half was mainly covered by her thick rimmed, green glasses that seemed to be too big for her.

The only part of her face that you could see was the edge if her thin lips that were upturned in a scowl.

It was quite creepy really.

"What miss?" I lazed out bad begun swinging on my chair again.

"Don't give me cheek mr."

I laughed under my breath.

How was that cheek?

Stupid teachers.

"I wasn't giving you cheek." I growled.

"Oh, were you not?"

"No." I answered in reply, stopping the chair from falling in the process.

"I'd like to ask you Trey. How'd you get the bruised nose?"

What the actual hell?

How did she have a right to ask where I got the stupid bruise on my nose.

It was absolutely none if her business and I could bet any money that if I told her the real reason behind it she wouldn't believe me so I decided to play a joke on the woman.

"You want to know how I got it? You'll never believe me if I told you, trust me.

Next to me Harvey snickered and brought his hand up to fix his beanie that had begun to fall slowly done the from of his face.

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