Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Maxine Henderson:

My hand flicked in a swift motion, applying the mascara brush to my long eyelashes and I sat it down on the edge of the sink.

After placing the mascara down I grabbed a hold of my foundation and applied it onto my thin cheeks in a round circle.

Once I was done applying it I sat it down into my spotty makeup bag and zipped it up.

I bent over, my feet holding all my weight and shoved the bag into the neatly organized cupboard that was situated underneath the sink.

Leaning my hand against the cold tiles I lifted myself up, squeezing one last look in the mirror before editing the bathroom.

"Maxine! Are you ready?" I heard my twin brother shout from the garage.

I remained quiet and walked into my bedroom, my eyes meeting my small, white Lonsdale bag that sat in the corner of my bedroom beside my double bed.

The double bed had perfectly made covers white and light blue stripes going across.

My pillows were set neatly at the top of my bed alongside my white bear that I was saving for the most adorable little.

The little girls name was Saffron and she had small pigtails that were curly and brown.

Her smile was the type that would make anyone smile in return and put them in an instant happy mood.

I stooped daydreaming about the girl and bent over grabbing a hold of my light bag that had about four books in it, along with my food.

I put it around my shoulders and walked out of my bedroom, past the corridor where all the family photos were.

The short maid was sweeping the dark timbered floor with her head down showing her long red hair that reached beneath her shoulders.

"Hey Mrs Z." I waved at her as I walked fast, a smile on my face.

"Hello dear. Going to school?" She responded with her sweet voice.

"Yeah I'm in my way out now. I'll see you later." I waved her goodbye and headed out to the large loungroom with the four seated leather lounge and plasma TV.

I heard someone from the TV talk about a murder and cringed, opening the white, wooden door.

The door knob twisted opening the door and revealing the outside world.

The trees whistled and blew in the wind, in which rippled through my body warmly.

I reached the garage door and looked in to see Max staring at a trophy shelf with a look of curiosity on his face.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"These trophies. Where do they come from?" Max asked me, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Trophies?" I responded and made my way over to his side where there were lines of football shaped trophies in laying positions.

Walking closer towards the shelf my hand made its way to the shelf and picked up one of the trophies and I twisted it in circles until I spotted a black plaque covered in dust.

Moving my finger over it, I watched the dust fly away and my attention turned back to the trophy.

I read out the white writing, "Daniel Henderson."

I pulled a brown piece of hair and tucked it into my ear.

"These were dads trophies?" He asked me in shock.

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