Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

Max Henderson:

Damon gave me a confused look and said, "what do you mean you guys meet again?"

Zara laughed from above us and walked around the side, sitting beside where I sat and I replied to Damon.

"When I was walking here, I saw her walking with your other two cousins." I explained and Damon's mouth formed an o shape causing Zara to laugh beside me again.

"Oh Zayn and Zoe?"

"Is that who they are?" I asked.

From beside me Zara smiled and begun to talk.

"Yeah there my brother and sister, we're called the zed trio." She rolled her eyes in this cute manor and I smiled at her feeling my pocket vibrate from where my phone was kept.

I ignored it and asked Zara what movies she liked.

"Ooh hard question, but what about nightmare on elm street?" She responded.

I gasped loudly and my pupils extended and my mouth was left a jar.

How could she like that movie?

Nightmare on Elm Street was the stupidest movie ever with the way he invaded their nightmares and killed them through sleep, driving them all insane because they were scared to sleep.

"Eww that movie sucks Zara, have you even studied how bad and unrealistic it is?" I asked her and she put a hand over her formerly closed mouth but now I was sure it was open slightly in shock.

"What!" She screeched, standing up and staring at me intently.

"It's true like come on Freddy invades their nightmares and kills them all in their sleep because he manages to manipulate them. Can you not see how stupid that is?" I pondered.

She stood in front of me with her tiny hands on her hip bones and she just gave me this blank face looked which caused me to tilt my head to the side.

"Or maybe your a little scardy cat and can't watch scary movies." She jokingly glared at me.

I hid my face using my left hand as I grew a deep red.

How did she know.

that was when I heard her clapping her hands together and laughing so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could most definitely hear.

I looked up at her glowing red face from laughing so much and she pretended to sip a tear from underneath her eye.

"Aww you poor baby." She cooed and I frowned.

Oh the embarrassment of a girl finding out that I was scared of scary movies like a girl.

Beside me I turned to see that Damon was laughing as we'll and I so sped his shoulder causing him to shriek loudly.

"And you were laughing at me Damon?" I asked him as he rolled his eyes and rubbed his shoulder in pain.

He pouted and said, "alright, alright I guess I can't talk." He admitted.

I laughed.

"Too right you can't."

Zara burst out with another fit of laughter and ended up on the ground just sitting there looking as though she was going to start rolling around.

"Oh god, oh god you guys are too funny." Zara gasped out through her fits of laughter.

I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but think that she looked cute rolling on the floor out if laughter because Damon and I were amusing her but I shook off the though; she was Damon's cousin, I couldn't think about her like that.

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