Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

Trey Denver:

I stripped off my school shorts and threw them across the room with a fling.

They landed beside my wall and I grabbed my denim jeans that had previously been scrawled across my bed that hadn't been made in days.

From my room I could hear some screaming and could easily recognise the two voices as my mother and father.

What a surprise my dad had decided to show himself at home.

Maybe mother may leave me alone if they continued fighting.

Smiling to myself I pulled the jeans over my legs while trying my best not to trip over.

I pulled the zipper up and laced my fingers around the white button of my school shirt and popped it out of the hole, continuing to do the same for the rest.

I threw the shirt across the room, my muscles flaring up as I did so.

The shirt landed somewhere in my filthy room, and I could honestly say that I didn't give two rats about the state of it.

Nobody ever commented on it, I wondered why.

Oh, that's right, my parents hated me.

I heard banging noises from outside my room and I raised one of my dark eyebrows and trudged over to the crack in the door, listening for what was going on out there.

I lent my ear from the crack in the door felt a cool breeze and a rush of wind that usually creaked through the bottom of my door.

I could hear fist sounding against my door and I pulled away and backed up against my far door, my eyes slitting closed.

I breathed in a heavy breath as my dad entered my bedroom with this smug look on his face.

"Hello son."

"Don't you dare talk to me as though you actually want to talk to me!" I growled lowly at him.

His large hand made its way from his side and up to his bright red face that had a growing beard on it.

"Well, don't you dare talk yo me like that!" He yelled with strength and threw his beer bottle across the room and the glass shattered on my floor, some of the glass bouncing of the floor and back into the air.

I felt a spike run down my cheek and I gasped in pain, my hand reached out to feel a wet liquid running from my cheek.

I looked at my finger to see that it was a red colour and I glared at my father.

"Now piss off, I was in the middle of getting changed if you could see."

"Oh, I though you were just trying to show off your body. Next time I suggest you keep that shirt on. You have a gigantic bruise from your mother." My father said all too calmly.

"Leave!" I shouted at him and my father rolled his eyes, leaving the room with calmness.

Once he had left I sighed deeply and opened up my window so that I could jump off.

Before climbing out the window I grabbed a plain black shirt from underneath my new and shoved it on over my head.

I lifted my leg up and sat it on the edge if the window, lifting my other keg up so that I was in a crouching position.

I dropped my left leg so it carefully stood onto the legend outside the widow and I followed suite with the other leg.

Crouching down on the edge I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, jumping onto the ground with a thud.

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