Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Lincoln Xavier:

I bolted upright and my hand instantly shit up to white dripping sweat that was coming from my forehead.

I sighed a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut while doing my best to stop imaging the vivid scenes of that night.

This was the second time I'd had that nightmare in two night.

My head hit my blue pillow case with a soft thud and I stared at the ceiling that was just a plain white colour.

Sometimes I wished an image was painted there so every time I glanced at the ceiling it would bore into my brain instead of the images from that night.

"Lincoln! You need to get up and get ready for school." My mum shouted from the kitchen where she was making pancakes by the smell of it.

I groaned and turned around, engulfing my head in the pillow.

My eyes drooped shut in drowsiness but I snapped them open, scared that I might have the nightmare again.

Rubbing my eyes with both hands, I sat up and pulled the bed covers back which revealed my black boxers.

My legs landed onto the really light brown carpet.

Using my hands to lift the rest of my body up I dragged my feet over to the bathroom across from my bedroom.

As I shuffled to the bathroom my eyes closed over again but I forced them open.

I could not fall asleep.

Not now, not ever, well until tonight.

The bathroom door was closed and I frowned.

"Whose in there?" I asked groggily.

While I waited for one of my siblings to answer I slumped against the door.

I so wish there were more bathrooms in this house.

"Me!" My sister shouted over the running water.

My eyes begun to droop for the third time that morning and I finally let sleep overcome me, the room pitch black until it morphed into my figure and Lydia's.

She stood a warm smile on her gorgeous face and her cheeks were bright red while I had my arms wrapped around her little body.

She snuggled into me making my smile grow bigger than already possible and we just stayed like that until a middle aged guy walked onto the wharf that we were sitting on. 

"Oi! Keep the public displays of affection to a minimum you two."

We both tried our best to stop the laughter from spilling out and gave him a strange look, too scared to say something in reply.

His hair was black with grey roots and his face was slightly on the chubby side.

His nose was surprisingly tiny and I snickered silently.

He glared at the both of us, just standing there with his large arms on his hips like some cranky mother.

"I said keep the public displays of affection to a minimum!" He yelled angrily.

We both stared at him with bewilderment and I decided to say something to him.

"How rude. You know to tell us to stop touching each other. Have you never been this close with someone?" I said as nice as I could.

"Well it's mocking." He grumbled not answering the question.

Lydia and I broke apart and stood side by side watching the mans face turn beet red.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now