Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

Lincoln Xavier:

I opened the front door to the house and walked into my family sitting down at the dinner table.

"Where were you Lincoln?" My mum asked setting at me with a scowl.

"Sorry mum I was rescuing a girl from some weird stray cat and had to get my friend to take it to the pound." I told my mum.

She nodded her head up and done and turned back towards the dinner she was eating.

I pulled out the empty seat next to my sister, plopping myself onto it, taking in my dinner.

There was a bowl of spaghetti with meatballs covered in a red sauce.

Licking my lips I picked up my fork from beside the white bowl and dipped it into the spaghetti, frosting when I realised that I was missing the finishing touch; cheese.

Leaning into the middle of the table I grabbed the cheese hastily and poured it all over my food.

Once I was satisfied I stabbed my fork into one of the meatballs, shoving it into my mouth.

I licked my lips again and chewed the piece of meat in a rush and I dived into the next forkful of food.

So,s of the spaghetti hung out my mouth, touching my chin causing my sister to snicker at me.

"You're such a messy eater Lincoln." She said while shovelling some spaghetti in her mouth.

Once I had finished eating my mouthful I smiled at the brown haired girl next to me.

"Sorry sis, but I'm a guy, we eat a lot."

She rolled her brown eyes at me and turned away, concentrating on her food.

Putting another mouthful in my mouth I sighed and thought of Lydia.

She loved to eat just as much as I did and we always went on dates where we would just eat so much that we got sick afterwords, then she'd go running the next day with me to burn all the food off.

Lydia was so fit and she also loved singing as well as dancing.

She was pretty darn good at them both too.

With these thoughts I stopped eating and looked down at the table just thinking of what Lydia's beautiful face looked like.

I never wanted to forget my gorgeous girl.

"You alright there son." My dad asked and I looked up to meet his deep blue eyes.

"Fine I'm just thinking of her." I smiled sadly at him and he scratched at his pointy chin with one of his fingers.

"Oh..." My dad trailed off and turned back to the food he was eating, in which was different to everyone else's.

Instead of the meatballs he had potato gems and instead of the spaghetti he had a bunch of vegetables on his plate.

I smiled at him and turned to look at my mum who was feeding my baby brother causing him to giggle in a cute voice.

I turned around and put the last meatball in my mouth, pushing the empty bowl away from me, standing up tucking the chair in behind me, not wanting to stay for family discussion.

They would understand.

Some days were worse than others, and this was one of the bad days where I just couldn't stop thinking about her.

If I could have one wish right now it'd just to be able to kiss her at least one more time to feel the love seep through and just to see her happy.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now