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Louis POV

I wake up with my arms very tightly wrapped around the pillow next to me. I wish it was her. The first thought that comes to mind is how much I wish it was her instead of the god damn pillow resting there. I sat up and looked at every inch of the walls. Yesterday. Just yesterday I saw her with that bloke at her new flat. What about our flat? I was still living in it. Pictures of us were almost everywhere. Everything in this place reminds me of her. I need to get out of here, but I can't. I just can't. It would hurt more to pack it away than to stay and remember every single one of the moments we have here. My mind leaves the trail it's on when my phone rings.

"Wake up call." Harry says on the other end of the phone. I groan and he laughs at me.

"She's with someone, Harry." I say.

"What?" He sounds concerned.

"Eleanor. She's moved on. I went to win her back and this guy answered the door. You should have seen how she looked at me. I felt like I had no reason to be there." I blurt and he sighs.

"Well, you two have been split for about a year now." He says.

"I kept telling myself it was just a fight and she was going to call. She never called. I went to find her and she lives with this guy!" I say exasperated.

"It has been a year." Harry says.

"Eleanor is the one Harry and now she is blinded by this random guy. I didn't think she was going to find someone. I thought she was so busy with school for Christ's sake and I thought we needed a break. Now she's with a guy. She obviously wasn't that busy and it's all my fault. I lost her Harry." I say.

"She obviously isn't the one if it ended. You'll find her. You're twenty one, not thirty or forty Louis." He says and I shake my head.

"You don't get it. You weren't in a relationship for two years with the love of your life." I say angrily.

"Don't get mad at me because you think she's the one or whatever. You'll find her Louis." He says.

"I already did and I lost her thanks to the busy life I have." I say.

"Don't even bring the band into this. I think you need some fresh air. Go get ready because we have a meeting with Simon in twenty minutes." He says and hangs up. Maybe I can say I'm too ill to function today. No. Harry wouldn't vouch for me again. I threw my legs over the side of the bed. I really had to get ready. I checked my phone. Harry lied. I had about an hour to get ready. I might as well make myself a cup of tea to start the day off.


"Late Louis." Simon remarks when I walk into the room. I shrug as I sit down next to Niall and Liam.

"You really like being an ass lately, don't you?" Simon says and I remain silent.

"Yeah. He does." Harry answers for me and Simon laughs.

"So, why are you late?" Simon asks me.

"I made myself a cup of tea and time just slipped away." I say and smile at him.

"Does it have anything to do with the fact that Eleanor has a new boyfriend and you're a bit miffed?" Simon asks and my eyes shoot up at him.

"How did you know?" I ask, avoiding my band members' eyes.

"Because people were tweeting about it all day and complaining about how heartbroken you were and attacking her on twitter. She called to talk to me today to ask if I could do anything about it." He says.

"She called you?" I ask. Why wouldn't she call me?

"She's pretty angry and I went on your account this morning and posted about it. I told people to leave her alone and that the breakup was mutual. Life got too hectic and your happy she's found someone." Simon says and my face becomes stiff.

"But I'm not happy she's found a new guy! I'm miserable!" I shout. Liam grabs my arm and I rip mine away to get him off of me.

"This is ridiculous Simon! Why would you do that?" I ask.

"Because you need to calm down Louis. You need to stop going after her. She asked me to tell you that. She's happy with Stan." He says calmly. How am I the only one bothered by this?!

"This is my job. She is my personal life. Do not get involved with it!" I shout the last part.

"She was your personal life. Now, I didn't want to send that out but the girl was bloody miserable and-"

"I'm miserable!" I shout.

"Maybe you should go home for the day Louis. Harry, why don't you take him home." Simon says calmly and I stand up. I march out the door.

"Louis! Wait up!" Harry shouts and I turn around. My arms are crossed and I suddenly feel like a child.

"Why don't you move back to our old flat?" He says.

"No. I am not giving up my flat. It means too much to me." I say and start walking down the hall. He follows.

"Louis, just please stop. You've been in a mood for a year and I'm sick of it. I miss the old you. Now, you don't even talk to any of us. We have to talk to you to keep our friendship. You avoid us. Why?" He asks.

"Because I'm miserable." I say and get in the elevator.

"I already know that." He says.

"Well it's the truth." I say.

"Just, move in with me, okay? If it doesn't work out, you can go back to the flat. I'll even pay for it while you aren't there." He says and I think.

"Fine." I say quietly.

"Hm?" He asks.

"Fine." I say a bit louder.

"What's that, I can't hear you?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine!" I yell and he covers his ears. I find myself laughing and he joins in. It feels like first time I've laughed in awhile. Maybe this whole roommate thing will be good.

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