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Louis POV
I hated Harry for making me come to this place. Starbucks was just coffee, but all of the times I brought her it flooded my mind. I remember her smile every single time. She was always so surprised even though every day I'd get it for her. It was pretty ridiculous that she was shocked every day, but I loved it still. My eyes begin to glaze over, so I try to think of something else.

"Why do we have to go to the bookstore after?" I suddenly ask.

"I think you and Phoebe could be great friends if you weren't such a downer lately. I hate to see you like this. You need more friends." Harry says.

"I don't want to be friends with her. Or Rebecca." I say when he opens his mouth.

"You two will be friends soon enough. I think you'd be really great together. It's my vote for Phoebe and Louis instead of you and Eleanor." Harry says and I roll my eyes.

"Not in a million years. I'd never date her." I say and he sighs.

"Fine. Be stuck in this rut forever. See if I care." Harry snaps and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Shouldn't you be worried about being in your own relationship. Stop focusing on me and get yourself a girl." I say and he looks out the window.

"That's not fair." Harry says.

"Leave me alone with this then." I say.

"But you miserable." He says back.

"I am not!" I say, well shout. I cause several others to glance at us and get nervous.

"Lets just go." I say and walk out the door without him. I head down the street and look for the book store. I have no where else to hide because Harry still hasn't given me a key. It's freezing out here. I find the store with the steps and see Phoebe at her desk reading a book. I open the door and her eyes snap up.

"Oh. Just you." She says and goes back to her book. I see two chairs by the window and take a seat in one of them. At least the chairs are comfortable. I pick up a cleverly placed Calvin and Hobbes book and begin reading through the comic.

"What a weird comic." I say and notice Phoebe doesn't lift her head. Her face is looking down at the book, eyes racing across the words. I furrow my eyebrows at her. It's just a book, but she's so into it. I can't help but chuckle. She looks up now and I stare back down at the comic in my lap.

"What's so funny?" She asks and I shrug.

"You're so into that book." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I like reading. Sorry if I look stupid doing it." She says and focuses back on her book. Her eyes begin tracing the page again and I watch her carefully. He stops and her eyes snap up at me again.

"What do you want from me?" She asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. What's the book about that has all of your attention?" I ask.

"It's a book about a girl who goes on a journey to find this waterfall. She's sick and the waterfall supposedly has this curing quality. It's her last resort and no one is helping her. That's until she meets this guy and he swears to help her and they're so perfect, but don't realize it. Right now they are hiking up the mountain to get to the falls. He's carrying her on his back because she's extremely weak." She says and stares off dreamily.

"You are a girly girl." I say and she scoffs.

"I am not. Now go back to your picture book you illiterate jerk." She says and stares at her book. I laugh, but end up looking through the comic some more. I look up again to see Phoebe slam her book shut and walk over to the shelf to put it away carefully.

"Bad ending?" I ask.

"Yes! They get to the waterfall and he helps her off his back. She sits on the ground and he sits next to her. She says she's happy that she met the love of her life and calmly rests her head on his shoulder. The guy chokes up and then guess what happens?" She stops, her eyes wide.

"What?" I ask calmly.

"She dies on his freaking shoulder! She freaking dies in front of the water that could cure her! And then, the guy just lays her down and starts crying. He then realized he loved her back. Then the book just ends with them on the mountain. It's pretty ridiculous and I'm so angry, but so sad at the same time. He loved her!" She shouts and I find myself chuckling.

"You should email the author. They probably had a reason to end it that way." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"No. No. I'll just find a new book to cry internally over." She says and goes to the shelves.

"You want to pick out a book for me?" I ask. Her head comes around the corner and she seems to be contemplating.

"Fine. C'mon." She says and I get up from my spot. I find her digging around the children's book section.

"Maybe this one?" She says and picks up an alphabet book. I roll my eyes and go to another shelving aisle. I see the romance section and skip over it right away. I walk and find the series books. I guess these could keep me busy for the next month.

"You should read the Percy Jackson series. I read them all when I was in high school. They're kind of for young teens, but I loved them." She says.

"Sure. I'll consider it." I say and she smiles genuinely for what seems like the first time today.

"You seriously love your job." I say and she nods.

"Yeah it's cool. I get to use the stock for my own accord and I get to help people get the books they want. Everybody wins." She says and I hear the front door open.

"Hi Harry." She says.

"Is he here?" He asks and I shake my head at Phoebe.

"Nope. Why don't you get a book? I'm sure he'll come around sometime." She says and I quickly go around the aisle. I see Harry and go down two more aisles before I'm ready to scare him. I sneak up behind him and stick my finger tips into his sides. He yells and I run down the aisle.

"What was that?" He asks Phoebe, but she's laughing too hard.

"Louis." He says.

"That was payback for making me go to Starbucks earlier." I tell him and come out of the row. Phoebe is trying to keep her laugh contained while Harry glares at me. Worth it.

"You're an arse." He says and tries to hide his smile. He fails.

"You thought it was funny. Don't lie to us Harry." I say and he rolls his eyes. Phoebe shakes her head and goes to her desk. She pulls out a book and opens it. Her eyes begin their steady tracing and I look back at Harry.

"She's pretty, huh?" Harry says and I roll my eyes. I walk down the aisle and pick up a Percy Jackson book. I read the first few pages and know in going to buy it.

"I asked you a question before." Harry says and I shrug.

"Sure she's pretty and she rightfully has a boyfriend Harry." I say.

"I guarantee you're better." Harry says and I walk away from him. I go to the comfy chair and continue reading the book.

"This isn't your own personal library Louis." I hear Phoebe tell me and I look up at her. Her smile shows she's just joking, so I look back at the book.

"I have to go pack. I do leave Saturday morning. Coming home or are you staying here?" Harry asks me.

"I'll stay." I say and he smiles at me and looks over to Phoebe.

"See you later Phoebe." Harry says and she throws her arm in the air to wave. Her eyes don't leave the book, though. She's so focused and thank god Harry can't read my mind because it's talking about how pretty the girl behind the desk actually is. I mean, I don't like her, but I do think she's pretty. My thoughts are broken when a guy walks into the store and Phoebe's entire face lights up. So that must be her boyfriend.

Authors Note:
Merry Christmas if you celebrate it! If not, happy holidays!! Hope you're enjoying the book and love it as much as I do. Have a lovely winter break wherever you are. I hope you have fun :)
-The Author

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