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Phoebe's POV

I get to the couch and stare up at Louis. He's been incredible to me today and he didn't push me like he usually does. I mumble a quick thank you and before I know it, he's gone. Rebecca smiles at the boy as he leaves. Does she like him? No, I don't think so. I mean they would never work out. Rebecca needs a guy all the time and Louis is gone a lot. He doesn't even really live across the hall. He lives on the road.

"Hey. Earth to Phoebe? How's your ankle?" Rebecca asks.

"Fine." I say and start circling it. That usually helps.

"So, what was that about?" She asks and I guess she's referring to Louis.

"You remember how I used to keep the wall over there bare?" I ask and point at the brick wall covered with a mirror and pictures.

"Yeah, until you started breaking my stuff." She grumbles.

"Well, he cleared out his wall and asked me if I wanted to take a few anger shots at it." I say.

"He cleared it for you?" She asks.

"No! He cleared it for himself a few days ago. He just asked me if I wanted to take a few anger shots." I explain and she nods.

"That was nice of him." She says and smiles at me funny.

"He's been nice." I say.

"So, have you come to any more of your famous Phoebe conclusions?" She asks and I laugh.

"I was up all night making myself a list. I always do." I say and she nods. When something bad happens, I always make myself a mental list. Rebecca knows me well.

"Has he tried to call you?" She asks.

"I haven't checked my phone. I'm not even sure where it is." I say and go to stand up. I walk lightly on one foot and balance myself. I head to the bathroom and opened the hamper. Sure enough, my phone was in my jeans. I opened the screen and saw endless messages and voicemail from Dylan.

To Me: She left me

To Me: I don't want to be alone right now.

To Me: Do you want to come over?

To Me: Will you give me another chance? I didn't want to marry her.

To Me: Please talk to me Phoebe. I actually do love you.

To Me: Don't let this be goodbye.

"What? Phoebe, what?" Rebecca asks and I realize I'm crying.

"He's such a dick!" I shout and cover my mouth. I reread the messages and then remember I have the voicemail. I put the phone up to my ear and they begin to play.

"I'm at a bar, come see me." His voice whispers, followed by a laugh. "I don't want her and her stupid commitments. I want a girl like you. I want a girl I can sleep with and have fun with. I don't want to be tied down. You fit the job! So, call me!" He shouts the last part and laughs. He's drunk. He's so smashed, at least he was at...midnight last night.

"He's awful." I say and Rebecca takes the phone. She listens to the message and walks out of the room. My eyebrow shifts and I realize what she's going to do. She's going to call Dylan.

"Fuck. Rebecca!" I yell and hobble into the living room. She's not there. Where is she? I go over to her bedroom door and open it. She's gone? I turn around and see my room is cracked slightly. I always shut my door. I race, well hobble as quickly as possible to the door and push it open.

"You stay away from her. You're think you're amazing and cool and slick, but you're not. You can't just mess with people." She says and pauses. Her finger goes in the air at me and I put my hands on my hips.

"Oh you're ridiculous! Leave her alone and stop. You messed up, so face the consequences." She says. Her inner teacher is coming out and I try not to laugh.

"Think about it all you want, but you messed up your own life." She says and hangs up.

"Would you like to do the honors of blocking his number?" She asks and I nod. She tosses the phone to me and I block the contact. The number is then deleted. The boy is out of my hair.

"Thank you." I whisper and she nods.

"Never liked the guy." She says and gets off of my bed.

"Now, why don't we watch something special? I'll even set up the laptop with the TV for a movie for us." She says.

"There's this movie I really want to see-"

"There always is." She says and I smile. We sit on the couch and bicker about several different movies. It comes down to The Way Way Back and the new Percy Jackson movie. I fight hard for Percy, but The Way Way Back wins. It ends up being fantastic, unlike this long weekend.

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