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Louis's POV

Oh I can't wait to see everyone. I'm bursting at the seams right now. I haven't seen any of them in a few months and part of that was the job, and the other part was my downer attitude. Now, I was ready to see them with presents and how much they've grown, if it's even that much. I can barely compare this to Phoebe. She's been away for years from her family. It must have killed her, but her being her meant that she's probably been shut down about it. It seemed the idea made her sad, but still barely phased her. The cab stops, breaking my thoughts. I pay the man and pack myself with all of my things. I have several bags on my arms, while the guy hands me my case.

"Happy holidays!" He says before getting into the cab. I repeat it before heading toward the house. I have to knock on the door with my foot several times before Charlotte opens it.

"Louis!" She says happily and hugs me.

"Hey! I would love to hug you back, but I've got to get in the house first." I tell her.

"Sorry." She says and steps back into the house.

"It's freezing outside, get in her Lottie. Oh Louis! You're here!" My mum says happily.

"Hi Mum." I say with a smile. I stop my suitcase by the door, setting the bags back up on my shoulders.

"Where should I put the gifts?" I ask her.

"Right in the living room dear, under the tree. Charlotte please help your brother." She says running into the other room.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" She yells a minute later and I laugh.

"Thanks mum!" I shout back and head into the other room.

"How's your birthday so far?" She asks.

"Good, good. I got a nice text from my girlfriend this morning, promising to call later." I say.

"Phoebe, right?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm guessing mum told you about her." I say. We start pulling out the gifts from the bag, placing them under the tree. She finds one of hers and spends a moment looking at it before sticking it under.

"She actually picked out your presents with me, did a smashing job." I say.

"Smashing." She mocks me.

"I'm serious, she did really well." I say.

"Alright, I believe you. Why didn't she want to come do Christmas with you, or your birthday?" She asks.

"She was home herself for the holidays. She hasn't been home in awhile." I say.

"Lives far from home, yeah?" She asks.

"Something like that." I tell her.

"So, what did you get me?" She asks.

"It's a surprise." I say and rolls her eyes. I poke her side and she laughs.

"Stop it!" She swats my hand and runs out of the room.

"Drama queen!" I yell jokingly at her. I finish putting the rest of the gifts under the tree before heading into the kitchen.


"That's great." I tell Phoebe. She just finished dinner with the family.

"They're so happy with what I've done, getting through classes and such. I told my dad about you, as well as everyone else." She says.

"Same over here. The twins were a bit confused that, well, Eleanor wasn't here, but they were excited to hear about you. My mum wants to meet you. You'll have to come with me some day to meet them." I tell her. It comes out cautiously, hoping she won't freak out.

"Same here." She tells me.

"So where have you been sleeping?" I ask.

"Well, Dahlia has my old room, and there's not an extra bed, so I've been on the couch the past few nights. That's one thing I miss, a bed." She says.

"You'll be back in your own bed soon enough." I tell her.

"I'm looking forward to going back. I haven't seen everyone for a long time, but I miss Rebecca, and Harry, and Dean...you." She says the last part quietly.

"I miss you too. It's not a bad way to be prepared for when tour comes, though. I'll be away a lot then." I tell her.

"Yeah, bummer. Anyways, we're all going to trade a gift, family tradition I've missed. Happy birthday Louis." I hear through the line.

"Merry Christmas Bee." I tell her. She laughs on the other line before hanging up the phone.

"Nice phone call?" A voice asks outside my room. It's my mum.

"Yeah, it was Phoebe. Just filling me in on everything." I tell her.

"Anything you want to talk about?" My mum asks.

"About Phoebe?" I ask.

"Or anyone." She says.

"I don't know. Well, remember how I told you I was getting rid of the old flat of mine?" I ask her.

"Yes, yes. You did do that, right?" She asks.

"Yeah! Last week, actually. I met up with Eleanor and she signed all of the papers." I say.

"Oh, and are you alright with that, the whole being done?" She asks.

"Yeah! I'm fine with it now. I mean, I'll always be sad it didn't work out, but it's just how things ended up. Now, I'm starting something with Phoebe and I'm happy, and excited." I say.

"You don't sound happy, you sound boring." She says and I laugh.

"I'm very excited!" I shout and she laughs.

"Alright!" She says back.

"Get some sleep birthday boy. And merry Christmas Louis." She says. She shuts the door on the way out. I flop myself back on the bed moving the covers around me. It's been a good day, and now I have to sleep it off.

Yours (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now