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Louis's POV
Harry had the brilliant idea that ice skating was some date, but it wasn't. He cancelled on coming because of that, so now it was just Phoebe and me skating and falling on our asses. At least we'd have fun. I would have liked for Harry to come. Now, if someone takes pictures, the girlfriend rumors will start. I don't want it to ruin my friendship with Phoebe. Something tells me she doesn't want any unwanted attention.

We arrive at the rink and collect our gear. She's smiling the entire time, so I know she's excited. I hope she has at least some talent because I'll fall right on my ass the entire time. I'm an awful skater. Phoebe quickly laces up and fixes her coat. I'm still trying to do mine. She laughs at me and then helps me. Then, we're ready to go.

"I'm going to die out here." I tell her.

"I'll leave you." She teases. She then really does leave me. The girl laps me around ten times, then finally slows down to laugh at me. I'm attached to the wall still.

"Need some help?" She asks. I nod quickly. She takes my hand and pulls me away from the wall. My hand flinches at the contact at first. My legs start to shake. I can tell she's trying not to laugh at me.

"I'm bloody awful at this." I say.

"You are, but I'll help you." She says and I smile. She gives me a small lesson on what I'm actually supposed to do. I then feel her hand leave mine.

"Try it on your own." She says. I stare at her, my eyes full of confusion and she just laughs.

"I'll be back after a lap." She says. The girl takes off. I'm left to my own talent, which is nothing. My eyes watch the girl as I try to remember what she told me to do. Then, I fall forward and my arms barely break my fall. My face ends up about a centimeter off the ice. I was incredibly close to smashing my face in. Now, how am I supposed to get up from here?

"Louis!" I hear someone shout. An arm finds mine and starts to help me up. I grab them like a scared child and begin to regain my balance. My arms are grasped tightly on there's. I look and see the person I'm grasping is Phoebe. Her face breaks out in a grin and she laughs at me.

"Don't let me go again." I tell her and she nods. She takes my hand again. I hate that I came here. I'm never doing anything for this girl again.

"Alright, if this is going to work, you need to stay in time with me. Let's do left first." She says. I follow orders. This is challenging and frustrating. I can't wait to go home.

"I seriously hope someone got a picture of you on the ice, wiped out." She says after a few minutes.

"I'm sure some pap got it." I say. They were everywhere. She looks at our hands and frowns.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just keep moving." She says sadly.

"Phoebe, I won't let some stupid thing like a picture ruin a friendship. If the media takes it the wrong way, then they do. I'll post something, so no one will bug you." I tell her.

"It's fine Louis. I'd rather be out of the public eye, but being friends with you is worth it. You aren't the asshole you were when I first me you." She tells me and I laugh.

"Thanks, I guess. You're pretty great yourself." I tell her. She leans to bump into me, making me lose my balance yet again. I fall on my ass and hear her laugh.

"I'm fine, thanks for wondering." I grumble.

"C'mon." She says. She skates in front of me and offers both of her hands. I use her to help myself stand up. She laughs the entire time. I'm mortified. I see people smiling at me as they skate by. Yes, I keep falling. I realize that.

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