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Louis's POV
She sits there shaking on the sidewalk next to me after I call the guy. She looks like she's going to topple any second now. I debate if I should put my hand over her shoulder or something, but I can't. I don't know what to do. I don't get it. Why don't I know what to do? This should be simple and easy. She scoots away from me and I hear suck in a hard breath. I wrap both my arms around her and pull her into my chest. She settles and I find myself relieved she doesn't shove me away.

"Just breathe. You forget to do that a lot." I tell her. She laughs lightly and nuzzles into my shirt. I hear her sniffle to herself.

"Sorry." She whispers.

"For what? I shouldn't even tried to drive. I'm sorry." I tell her. It's freezing out here, but I'm not moving until she leaves my arms.

"I really shouldn't drink. Everything just pours out of me." She says.

"It's alright. I'm sorry." I say and rub her arm.

"I just exploded." She says making me pull her closer.

"I don't care. Just please don't hate me now." I tell her honestly.

"Lets just forget it?" I suggest after she says nothing.

"Sure." She says quietly. I take out my phone and text the person who drove the car here. He had to be nearby. He texts back saying he'll be out in ten minutes. I stand up, taking Phoebe's hand.

"I don't know what kind of dance you wanted, but I'll dance with you out here." I tell her. She smiles and I feel her head rest on my chest, her hands finding mine. I leave one of her hands to find a song. I must be taking too long because she flicks a song of her own on right away. It's Fix You by Coldplay. I chuckle slightly and pull her close. The phone rests in my front pocket. The song ends and she looks up at me. Her eyes are still glazed over from before, but she looks happy. I begin to lower my head to kiss her when a voice breaks us apart.

"You need me to drive you home now? No problem!" He says happily. She leaves me and gets in the car with her friend silently. I find the passenger side of the car.

"Same place, Tomlinson?" The guy asks. I nod and he begins to drive. I look in the rearview mirror to see Phoebe staring out the window. She has dried tear lines on her cheeks. Before I realize it, the car stops. The four of us all crawl out, leaving the man to take the rental car away. Rebecca trudges slowly up the stairs before the rest of us.

"I don't want to go to bed because then I have to wake up." She grumbles. I chuckle at the sentence, even Phoebe cracks a grin. Harry seems to be a zombie at the moment. Rebecca goes to her place, Harry to ours. Phoebe stares at me before grabbing the door knob. I take her free hand and hug her. I plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I whisper. She nods into my chest then leaves me. I grab the knob at my place and realize Harry locked the door. I'm out here knocking for nearly ten minutes before the girl's door opens.

"Key." Phoebe says angrily and throws it at me. I smile apologetically seeing her crack a grin of her own.

"Goodnight." I tell her as I toss the key back.

"Goodnight." She says before shutting her door. Tomorrow should be better, it has to be.


My sleeping time last night went by quickly. Harry woke me up at seven saying we had to head in and talk to Simon. To say I was angry was a huge understatement. He knew all of us had been at that premier last night. What did we do this time?

"On time boys." He says when Harry and I walk in. Niall seemed to be the only one missing.

"Now, Niall is not with us today. He was told this morning he has to go in for another knee surgery. We are trying to keep it quiet, but it that rarely works out. I don't want any of you in the hospital. You can see him when he gets home, but we don't need any fans mobbing him." Simon explains.

"He was fine last night." Liam says.

"He found out this morning." Simon tells us.

"So, how long will he be in the hospital for?" Harry asks.

"A few weeks. The surgery is going to happen Friday." Simon tells us.

"So we can't see him at all?" I ask.

"Like I said, we don't need him walking out when he's free to go just to be hurt again by a mob." Simon says. This is awful. We can't even be here for him because of a chance of a mob!

"This is ridiculous. Why can't we be snuck in?" I ask.

"Because someone will leak that you're there." Simon says.

"We can call him guys. It'll be fine. We can throw him a party when he gets out." Liam says. I guess he's right, but this is total shit.


I convince Harry to head out with Liam so I can go see Phoebe. I find the book store and see the girl at her counter, studying the book in front of her. I smile to myself and waltz in. She sees me and smiles shyly.

"Hey." She says and snaps her eyes back down in her book.

"How are you?" I ask finding my usual chair.

"Uh, alright. I'm a bit hungover. The blonde has it worse, though. I couldn't even get her to sit up this morning. I called her out, though. That's what friends are for." She says.

"Do you remember-"

"Yeah I remember yelling at you last night." She says.

"I deserved it." I tell her.

"Don't say that." She snaps and meets my eyes. I stand up from my chair, stomping over to her desk. I'm inches away from her, her eyes are wide and studying my face.

"I came here to say one thing." I tell her.

"That is?" She asks.

"Go on a date with me tonight." I say finally making her smile.

"Uh, sure." She says.

"You paused." I say.

"Cause you scared me. It would be lovely to go on a date with you." She says. I grin stupidly, but she's doing the same.

"I'll see you later." I say and leave. That was my mission. Now that that's done, I have to decide what I'm actually going to do.

Authors Note:
So sorry this is late! I thought I published it this morning and I went to a party tonight and didn't even think to update then, or check for the update. Sorry guys! Next update is Sunday!

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