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Phoebe's POV

It's been a month and I do believe they are leaving at the end of this week. I have not spoken to Louis since that car ride. I bumped into him in the hallway once and he apologized, but I couldn't meet his eyes. I go to the book store extra early and stay open late, even if there are no costumers. I sit and read books all day. He hasn't come into the store once.

That little girl Annabelle has come in a few times and always asks me where the boy is. I just tell her he's busy. We were sitting on the floor at the moment reading The Giving Tree by, can you believe it, Shel. I've learned more about the girl. Her father is stationed in the military on one of the elite forces. Her mother was telling me he's been gone for a few years and writes letters every week, one for each of them.

"I like this book." She says and I nod.

"We'll have to read it again sometime. Any other-oh look! Your mum is here already." I say as I see the woman walk in.

"Annabelle! Come here sweetie. I have some amazing news!" The woman says and seems to be close to tears. The little girl gets up and walks to her mum.

"Father is coming home next week! He is no longer needed in the area and so they're sending him home!" She says. The little girl runs into her mum's arms excitedly and they both hug. I smile at the two of them while placing the book on the shelf.

"Phoebe! I do have to thank you for this. I'm sure my husband would love to meet you and talk about Silverstein with you." The woman, Maria, says.

"Well if you insist, that sounds nice. We could do lunch one day." I offer and she nods.

"Thank you, so much. Annabelle loves it here in the store with you. It's almost every day she asks to come here." She tells me and I nod.

"I love having her." I say. I'm being honest. The girl has been keeping me company since I broke up with Louis.

"We'll see you soon." She says. The little girl runs down to hug me tightly.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" I tell her. She nods before leaving with Maria. Gosh I adore that girl. I go back to my desk smiling as the door opens.

"Welcome to-" And my breath stops as someone walks through the door. It's Dylan's fiancée.

"I found your address the other day and I wanted to come see you." She says. My lips are slightly parted as I stare at her.

"I wanted to apologize and thank you, I guess. I went and asked Dylan where you worked. You aren't seeing him, are you? I haven't really spoken to him personally." She says and I shake my head.

"I have a boyfriend-had a boyfriend." I correct myself.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry for everything I said that night. I was just so angry at you because I really loved Dylan before I found this out. He doesn't seem like the guy who would cheat on a girl. We were together for years and I heard you call him one night, and I panicked. I knew at that moment he was." She says.

"I didn't know, I swear I didn't know about you or anything." I tell her.

"I know. He told me not to blame you, which only angered me more because he defended you, so that's why it's taken me so long to apologize." She says and I nod.

"I never even expected one. It was an awful night." I say and she nods.

"I'm just so sorry. He hasn't tried to make it up to me or anything. He didn't call my friends to see where I was, or buy me flowers, or hug me even when I saw him for the first time last week. He did nothing. I guess you know when someone stops loving you. They stop looking into your eyes, they stop caring when your angry, they stop holding you when you sleep, or waiting until you wake up to get out of bed, stop coming home to the same place even when you fight, just so they can see you. He stopped all of that." She says and my eyes are burning. Louis needs to get out of my head. Now. Does he think that I don't love him? Oh, who am I kidding, of course he does! I dumped him for my own selfish reason, I won't talk to him, I barely acknowledge him, and I can't even look at him without getting nervous.

"Are you alright?" She asks. No, I most certainly am not. I gave up Louis for some stupid reason that seemed okay at the time.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just terrible." I say, which isn't entirely a lie. Me being an idiot and breaking up with Louis is terrible.

"Well, I better get going. I hope you're alright now and if our paths cross again, let's go get coffee." She says and I manage a short laugh.

"Sounds great." I say. I wait for her to leave and walk down the street to slip the 'Be Back in Ten!' sign on the shop door. I quickly leave and lock the place. I need to go home, now! I'm racing down the sidewalk, ignoring the pain in my chest and ankle. I pass the florist on the way and run in. I don't have time for decisions, so I pick up a carnation and toss a few pounds at the clerk who just laughs it off. This is alright, right? I mean Louis would love anything I got him. It's just a little detail. I continue bolting down the street until the building is in front of me. Now, the steps. I race up them and to his door. I feel like some prince for Christ's sake this is so corny.

"Louis!" I shout and knock on the door.

"Louis! Get your ass out here!" I yell and continue knocking. There's no reply. C'mon, Louis! I know you're lazy, but now is not the time for that.

"Louis! Please!" I shout. There's no reply yet again. I walk over to my place to get a key. Maybe he's sleeping? I walk over to the counter and see a note in Harry's handwriting.

'Thanks for watching the place. I don't know when we'll be back, but pray for it to be soon! Tell Phoebe bye and to call! Hope to see you soon.-Harry :)'

No! This isn't fair! Not now, not right now, I need to see him. I need to talk to him. I take out my phone and call Harry to get his voicemail after a couple of rings. I try again and again, but he doesn't answer. Why isn't he answering? I call Louis. Yes, I wanted to do this in person, but I can't if they are about to get on a plane. He doesn't answer either. I throw my phone on the counter when it rings suddenly.

"Hello?" I ask without checking. Please be Louis. I need to hear that voice.

"Phoebe, are you alright?" Louis asks. That voice! I smile instantly when I hear him.

"Oh my god Louis thank god! Have you guys left the airport yet?" I ask.

"Why are you-no." He says flatly.

"Good, well when is your flight?" I ask. Please let it be more than half an hour. I need to see him.

"You can't do this Phoebe." He says. My entire body freezes.

"What are you-"

"You can't just call me after ignoring me for a month and expect us to be friends or whatever. You wanted to break up, so you got what you wanted, Phoebe." He says bitterly.

"But I was wrong! I was terrible, I know and I'm sorry. I love you, okay? I don't want to lose you and I can't." I tell him, but all I hear is his sigh through the phone.

"No. I have to go. They're giving us a safety talk or something. Bye." He says and hangs up. What? What even? I don't have time to process because my phone rings again.

"Louis?" I ask hopefully.

"No this is Harry." He answers.

"Where are you guys?" I ask.

"At the airport. Nice of you to say goodbye this morning. You went running out the door when I called you." He says.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I am. I'll make it up to you by showing up now. I need you to stall for me. Is your car downstairs and can I use it?" I ask.

"Yeah, I guess, you have about an hour." He says.

"Please pretend to break your leg or something. I'm coming." I tell him.

"Is this for Louis or-"

"Yes. Now, slap that smirk that I know you have off your face and make a scene. I'm on my way." I tell him and race to their flat. I have to get there soon or I'll miss Louis and I can't ruin things again.

Author's Note:

One more chapter and then epilogue! Then *gasp* it's over!

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