An Average Day

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*Beep Beep Beep*
I hit the stop button on my phone to get my alarm to shut off it is 5:00 A.M. I have to get out of the house by seven. I sit up the cold air touching my bare upper body. I shiver at the feeling wanting to crawl back under the covers and sleep a few more hours. I turn the lamp next to my bed on and I see Emily turn around as she groans in her pink Barbie bed.
I smile at her and get up I go to my closet and grab my work clothes a beige colored shirt with my name on it and a pair of jeans I go into the bathroom and get dressed. Once I'm dressed I pee, put deodorant on, and shave by now it's 5:20.
I leave the bathroom and put socks and my work boots on. When my work boots are on, I go to Emily's bed and pick her up she wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my chest.
"You smell good" Emily says.
"Yeah" I reply
"Yeah" She says copying me.
"I don't see why." I tell her.
"You just do." She says.
I shake my head and smile. I grab her clothes which is a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt that has a pony on it and says run freely. I take her to the bathroom and set her on the counter I pull her night gown off and hand her her shirt. As she puts her shirt on l fold up her nightgown then she gets into her shorts.
I help her button and zip them. I help her brush her hair then I put it in a high ponytail. Once I'm done I leave and she goes potty I go over to Andrew's play pen and rub his belly his eyes open and he looks at me then smiles he sits up and stands up.
I pick him up and put him on the floor I grab a diaper and wipes I change his old diaper and put a new one on him, by now Emily is out of the bathroom. I get Andrew dressed in a onesie with shorts. I pack the backpack with diapers, wipes and an extra outfit for both of them.
I take them both down stairs where I put Emily on her chair and Andrew in his high chair. I start breakfast, waffles and bananas while the waffles are cooking, I pack three lunches one for me, one for Emily, and one for Andrew.
"Can I get the forks?" Emily asks me.
"Yeah, go ahead." She smiles at me and goes to the silverwear drawer.
"Yay!" She says.
​​​ I smile at her she grabs forks. I put a waffle and a quarter of a banana in front of Andrew then I put a waffle and a quarter of a banana in front of Emily then I put my plate in my spot and sit down.
When we finish eating it is 6:30 I get their shoes on them and grab the backpack. I grab Emily's hand and pick up Andrew as we walk out I hear my dad stir. That sound use to scare me but now I feel nothing.
I close the front door and we walk to my 4 door pickup truck. My grandpa bought it for me when I got my driver's license but passed away a month later.
I put Emily in her car seat and she buckles up I put Andrew in his car seat and buckle him up. I get in the car and go to work when I get to work I get the backpack, Emily, and Andrew and I go inside.
"Can I grab your badge?" Emily asks. She always wants to help me.
"Yeah, go ahead." I answer her she goes to the badges on the wall searching for the one that says Jace.
"Hey man." My friend Zac greets me.
"Hands full?"
​​​ "Always"
Zac takes Andrew and throws him up in the air he laughs Emily clips my badge onto my pocket. Zac is one of my friends here he is 18 and graduated. I have known him for 4 years now he was the new kid at school we sat next to each other at lunch and have been inseparable since.
He helps alot with the kids and is always there. My other friend is Halo she is 19 and the daughter of the person that owns the shop. I have known her for 5 years and we are also inseparable. We met at a park when I was in middle school.
I get the kids at their table and hand them toys and coloring supplies. My boss is a huge help to. He lets me bring them to work knowing that I don't have a babysitter. I get to work. I open the hood of my car and start working.
"Hey slick."Halo comes up to me.
"Who let you wear that?" I ask raising my eyebrow at her.
"Well, considering I am the owners daughter."
"Okay then." She was wearing short shorts and the shirt we have to wear.
"So it's Friday and we don't work Saturday or Sunday so I'm throwing a small party wanna come? Zac will be there." She asks but I think she knows my answer. I'm not much of a party person now even more I take care of two kids. I love hanging with her but I have stuff to do.
"As flattering as that sounds I have things to do and two kids to take care of." I reply.
"What are you going to do?" She asks rolling her eyes.
"Laundry, dishes, shopping, cleaning, and what will I do with them?"
"True, but you could bring them." I almost start laughing.
"Yeah that isn't happening. I'm trying to be a teenager myself but I have a 5 and 2 year old to take care of it's hard I just don't have the time. Maybe another time."
"Okay, I get it well I have a motor to fix see ya slick."
I work on my car for a while and when I finish it I start another one. I love working on cars. It's like a huge puzzle I get to figure out.
I finish that car it's lunch time, I take the kids to the family restroom we have and change Andrew's diaper then Emily goes potty I use the restroom and wash my hands.
We sit down at the table for lunch. Andrew sits on my lap and he eats his sandwich and Emily sits next to me she eats her sandwich and fruit snacks I give Andrew some of my chips since he don't eat much.
"So how is the ass?" Asks Zac as we eat.
"He is drunk off his ass." I reply just fed up with the whole situation. If I had it my way we would just leave.
"That's it."
"Yeah, he won't be home when I get home though." I say relieved.
"That's good."
"Yeah, I can do some laundry."
"Jace." Emily says looking at me.
"I'm not hungry anymore."
"Okay put your leftovers in the container maybe you will want it later."
"Okay, I'm going to see Halo"
"Whatever floats your boat, kid." She puts the lid on her her sandwich container and walks away.
"Down Ace down!" Andrew screams at me. He starts kicking me and screaming. I put him down.
"Well gosh." Zac says trying not to laugh at me.
"No kidding, the terrible twos bit me in the ass."
"That has to suck."
"Yeah, just depends on the day." I say to him rocking my head from side to side.
"Yeah, that is true." He replies before throwing his garbage away. We finish eating lunch then I go back to work until 5 at five I wash my hands again grab the kids and leave, I get them in the car. I go home and my dad wasn't home so I bring the kids upstairs take their shoes off change Andrew's diaper and put him in a pull up.
I'm trying to potty train him he goes potty in the little plastic one he has I clean it up then start dinner. While dinner is cooking I get Emily in the bath I get her a towel, panties, and her night gown she plays with the bubbles while I check on dinner.
I run back upstairs and finish getting Emily bathed I help her get dressed, brush her hair, and she puts her fuzzy socks on. She goes downstairs I take Andrew down stairs to I finish dinner and we eat by now it's 6:00. I get Andrew in the bath after we eat. Once he is done I get him out and dry him off.
"Do you have to go potty?" I ask him.
"Alright aim for the potty this time."
He giggles a little bit, proud of what happened yesterday. He goes potty.
"Good job buddy I'm so proud of you. I'm going to put you in big boy underwear, if you need to go potty tell me okay."
"Okay." He says to me proud that he went potty like a big boy.
I put the underwear on him and get his footies on him then I lay them both down for bed an hour later. I put Andrew in a pull up and put him in his playpen. Emily climbs in her bed I get on my knees and tuck her in.
"Jace, if I get scared can I crawl into your bed?" Emily asks me.
"Of course, I love you."
"I love you to Jace." I leave the room and go downstairs I do the dishes, clean the kitchen, pick up the living room, fold some laundry, put it away, and make a list of things I need to get. When I'm done with all that I shower, brush my teeth, and go to bed.
I don't sleep though a bunch of things run through my mind they go around in circles that will never stop like a dryer in motion. Eventually I find sleep though

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