Disney And Excitement Part 1

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*July 23rd*
We wake up early and pack the car. We go to Anna's and give her a key. She will feed Bowser and the turtles. We go to the air port and get our tickets.
      "I am excited!" Emily says jumping up and down.
      "Me to!" Andrew says.
      "I know." I say to them.  We get on our plane and put our bags up above us. We sit down and wait until the flight attendant gives us our instructions. We put our seat belts on and I give both kids gum to help prevent their ears from popping.
    It is their first flight. I think it is mine to but it's not Halo's, before her brother died they went to the Grand Canyon. We take off and the kids watch out the window in excitement and awe.
    Their eyes big and mouths hanging open their noses and hands pushed against the glass watching the clouds and ground beneath them. They watch the birds and look at the fields. We will get to Florida around 1:00 and then we will  go to the hotel.
     What we will do next I don't know. We will have to wait and see. I know when we get back we have to start planning Andrew's birthday. I'm glad everything is working out. Both of them eventually give up in looking out the window.
     They stay in their seats and color. Halo falls asleep on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. I cover her with my hoodie. The kids seats were facing ours. I know they will eventually get board and they will do one of two things.
     They will go to sleep or ask if we are there yet over and over again. Then when I tell them to shut up they will ask a different question. They will do that until they get bored of it. I hope they go to sleep though.
    Emily's hair keeps getting in her face so I put it in a high pony tail. They get tired of coloring and I place the things back in the bag. They look out the window once again.
      "Everything is so small!" Emily says.
      "We are above them but to them we look small." I tell her.
      "That's weird." Andrew says.  He giggles before pushing he hands against the glass once again. I smile. He has taken his sandals off and Emily has taken her flip flops off. Emily was wearing a pair of pink jean shorts and a Pink shirt.
    She had a Pink head band in her hair and it up. Andrew was wearing a Marvel shirt and blue shorts. Halo dressed in some basketball shorts and a tank top. Me some cargo shorts and a plain grey shirt.
    Noon comes around and they get hungry. I give them some snacks and when we get off we will get something to eat. Halo has waken up.
      "Can we go see the Disney princesses!?" Emily asks me.
      "Of course." I say to her.
      "What about the ones I like?" Andrew says.
      We can see them to. We can watch the fireworks and ride the rides. We can do as much as we can while we are there."
      "That sounds fun. There is a lot." Halo says.
      "We have to go to Orlando studios." I say.
      "Next summer." Halo says.
      "You may be pregnant next summer." I say.
      "Well we will do it they aren't leaving the house anytime soon."
      "Okay." I play pout. She laughs and kisses my cheek. Soon the flight attendant tells us to put our seat belts back on. The kids get excited. I am to but I have to act cool. My heart is beating with excitement and I can barley contain it.
    I feel like a little kid. The plane lands and we get off. We get our rented car. We go to the hotel. It was in Disney land and we got to see it going in. It was huge and it had many different places to go.
    You would have to drive the the area you wanted to go and it was like a whole new amusement park. We get to the hotel. We get our room cards and our all access wrist bands.
     We get to the hotel room. It was on a floor we could see the park. The kids start jumping on the beds. I give up on controlling my excitement and jump with them.
      "Kids." Halo rolls her eyes.
      "You want to do it to?" I ask.
      "No I'm good."
      "Come on."
      "I'm hungry, I want to go eat."
      "Yeah me to." Emily says. They stop jumping and her stomach growls
      "And me." Andrew says.
      "Okay, let's go get some food." I say. We leave the hotel and go to a restaurant in walking distance. It was Disney themed. The kids got hats. Emily's was Mini Mouse and Andrew's was Mickey Mouse. They were the ears and Emily's had a bow. We get our food.
      "We may have to do some grocery shopping. I don't want to eat out for the next week." Halo says.
      "I am with you. We will go after this." I tell her.
      "Okay." We finish eating and go to a store. We get food and go back to the hotel room.  The kids jump on the beds as we put things away and unpack.
    We put on tv for them. I put their wrist bands on them. Halo and I put our wrist bands on to. The kids get tired and fall asleep in their bed. Halo and I cuddle.
      "What are we going to do first?" Halo asks me.
      "I don't know but that's the fun part."
      "That is true."
      "What is the fun in planning everything let's just go explore and do things as we go. See some Disney characters and ride the rides. Get wet and have fun."
      "I like that idea."
      "Cool, I do to." She starts laughing. We will go tomorrow and just have fun, to hell with planning.
*The next day*
We all get up around 8:00. Breakfast is in the lobby. We go down and let the kids go in their pjs. I was wearing some sweats and a tank top. Halo was wearing some shorts and a shirt.
     We looked decent and that passed with us. We eat breakfast and talk about plans and who we want to see. We talk about what we want to do. We eventually go back to the hotel room.
     Emily makes their bed. I am thinking what is this child going to do? She never just makes a bed. She has a grin on her face.
      "I want to show you something." Emily says.
      "Okay." She stands on the bed at the end. She does a back flip and grabs the blanket. She pulls it up and slides under it as she lands. We clap and she crawls out. We make our bed and we all get dressed.
    We put sunscreen, sunglasses, an extra outfit for the kids in plastic bags, and plastic bags for our phones in the back pack. We also put snacks and our hotel keys in the bag.
    We give the kids sunglasses and lather them in sunscreen. We put sunscreen on. We make sure that we have everything and to the the first park. Right away Emily sees Snow White. We go up to her.
      "Hi there!" She greets Emily
      "Whats your name?"
      "That's a pretty name."
      "Thank you." Andrew goes up to her to.
      "What's your name?" She asks Andrew.
      "How old are you?"
      "9." Emily says.
      "That's awesome! Do you guys want to meet my friends?" She asks them. They shake their heads yes and the dwarves come out. They all stand in line.
      "This is Bashful, Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, and Sneezy!" She tells them We take pictures with the kids with them all. We go to a roller coaster.
      "Can we ride this!?"
      "Yeah!" Andrew agrees.
      "Sure." We show them the wrist bands and go on the ride. We wait for the other people to get on. The ride starts and we go through tunnels and water. We go up and down.
     When we stop our hair is wind blown and a smile on is on our faces. The kids are laughing their clothes wet. Ours is wet to. We will dry with the heat. We keep walking and see Mickey Mouse.
     The kids go talk to him. We take pictures. We go to a souvenir shop. The kids get head bands with ears in them. Andrew's was Mickey Mouse and Emily's was Mini Mouse with a bow. Halo gets a shirt and I get a shirt.
     The kids each get a stuffed animal. We go on other rides and talk to other Disney characters. We see Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Mini Mouse, and many more. When it starts getting dark we see fire works.
     They watch the fire works. Andrew sits on my shoulders and falls asleep. Halo has to carry Emily because she falls asleep to. We go to the hotel room and get them in pjs. We just lay them down for bed after that.
     We don't worry about their teeth or hair. We get some comfy clothes on to. We lay in bed. Her head lays on my shoulder and soon I hear the small steady breathing of her sleeping.
    Very light small snores come out. I smile and let out a small laugh. She rolls over and I shut the light off. The fire works have stoped and it's just the moon coming in through the window. I kiss Halo's cheek and fall asleep myself.

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