Over the next 2 weeks Halo and I are still a couple. Flint has gained some weight he is a happy kitty. He sleeps with Emily every night.
I go to check on them and every night Flint is cuddling with Emily under her blankets. This weekend Anna is taking the kids for the weekend. Zac, Halo, and I are spending the weekend at his house.
I am all packed and brought my bag in the car so did Halo. After work we go to Zac's house. We walk in.
"This is going to be epic, just no making out."
"We won't we will save it for later."
Halo gives me a look Zac high fives me. Halo and I put are bags in the spare room. We go back to the kitchen where Zac has started dinner. He is making pizza. We sit down ad wait for the oven. We watch tv.
"We should watch a movie." He says.
"That's a good idea." I say.
"Yeah." Halo agrees. We pick out a couple movies from the book shelf. We eat dinner while watching a movie. After the movie is over it is 7:00 we get are pjs on I put on a t-shirt and some shorts. Halo puts on some spandex and a baggy shirt Zac puts on a shirt and shorts. Halo uses the bathroom and I sit on the couch. We hear a nock at the door.
"I will get it." He gets up and goes to the door he opens it and just stairs.
"Hey Jace."
"You are still a virgin right?" He asks me. That's a weird question.
"Yeah why?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Then I suppose this isn't your baby is it?" He asks me yet again and now I am really confused.
"Baby, what do you mean?" I ask him. I get up and go to the door there in a car seat was a baby boy. He was looking at us Halo comes out.
"What are you boys doing?"
"I don't suppose this is your baby?" Zac says.
"That's impossible and why is there a baby on the door mat?" She asks but we all know the answer. I pick up the car seat and diaper bag I bring it inside. I set the car seat on the counter. I put the diaper bag next to it. He just stays calm.
"Well if it's not yours and it's not possible for him to be Halo's then he's mine no, no, no, no! I can't be a dad I can barely do my laundry!" He starts freaking out.
"Calm down." I say to him. I open the diaper bag I see a orange envelope in it with a note taped to it.
"There's a note." I say.
"What does it say?" He asks.
"Dear Zac, This is your son Zane Edward Jones he was born July 12th and is 3 months old. If you don't want him and decide you don't want to be a dad there is adoption papers in the yellow envelope attached to this note. I didn't know what else to do. I can't support him and I'm not fit. I couldn't bear seeing you after all this time. I'm so ashamed that I didn't tell you I was pregnant but now he needs you more than ever don't do something you will regret though.
Amy "
"Amy I remember her!" He says.
"Well this is a good time to say I told you so." I say.
"You got a girl pregnant."
"Fine I'm stupid, what does he have in the diaper bag?"
"A new pack of diapers, 6 bottles, some clothes, a full pack of wipes, a new thing of formula, a harness that you get to wear, a new pack of 10 socks, and a pair of new shoes."
"So I have things oh my gosh I have a kid this is not happening!" He starts freaking out again.
"Calm down it will be okay." I say to him.
"Yeah you are awesome with Emily and Andrew you will do fine."
"But that's different all I do is hype them up with sugar and send them home after I use them as chick bait." He says.
"Well it's kinda the same concept only you keep the kid." I say, he nods his head.
"Okay yeah your right so I might wanna lay off the sugar."
"Dude he is three months old I don't think he can eat sugar."
"Guys lets focus on the bigger matter, there is a 3 month old boy sitting on the counter that Zac made because he don't know how to read the instructions on a condom." Halo says.
"I know how to read the instructions on a condom I use one every time it must have broke." He argues with her.
"Well how ever it happened it did so we have to worry about that not about how much sugar to give him when he don't even have teeth." She says.
"You're right okay so we know that we have some things but we need more." Zane starts crying. "Why is he crying?"
"Dude calm down I got this." I unclip his carseat I pick him up and put my arm under his bottom I put my other hand on his back and sway back and forth. He calms down and I grab a bottle I go into the kitchen with Zane still on my arm.
I wash the bottle with soap and water. I put Luke warm water in the bottle. I keep swaying with Zane. I grab the formula out of the diaper bag I open the lid and take the scooper both of them watch in amazement. I put 2 scoops in the bottle and put the lid on it and start shaking it Zane still on my arm.
He was wearing some blue footie pjs with stars and moons on them. I put the bottle in the microwave for a minute. While that warms up I grab the wipes and a diaper I also see a mat for it in the diaper bag as well. I lay it on the table and lay him on the table.
I unzip his footies and pull his feet out. I unstick the tabs on his diaper and pull it down. I take a wipe and wipe him up. I pull the diaper out and put the wipe in it and roll it up. I put the tab back over and put the diaper down I grab a new one open it and slide it under his butt.
I pull the front of the diaper up and stick the tabs down. I put his feet back in his pajamas and zip it back up. I pick him up and throw the diaper away. I grab his bottle from the microwave I tip it upside down and a few drops fall on my hand.
Still they are staring at me it felt warm I put it in his mouth and he starts sucking. I put my chin on the bottom of the bottle and close the diaper wipes I put them in the diaper bag. I put the diapers and formula in the diaper bag.
I fold the mat and put it in the diaper bag to I grab a Clorox wipe and wipe down the table. Zane stays on my arm and keeps sucking his bottle he puts his hand on the side to hold it there. I sit down and grab the bottle I hang on to it. He keeps sucking on it.
"How-what-wait-how in the hell-help." He says.
"I have done this 2 times I got it."
"Can I feed him?" He asks me.
I take the bottle out of his mouth and hand Zane to Zac. Zac holds him close to him I hand him the bottle. Zac starts feeding Zane. I take a picture.
Zane is done with his bottle 10 minutes later. Zac puts the bottle down and he still hangs on to Zane. Zane grabs onto Zac's finger and looks at him.
"I can't give him away I want to keep him I want to be a dad I want to keep my baby boy." He says tears glistening in his eyes.
"Well congradulations Zac your a dad." I say.
"I got some questions."
"How many times does he eat a day? Do I have to get up at night? At what age will he start teething? How do I know if he is sick? How many diapers will he go through in a day-"
"Okay, okay, okay one at a time. I will help you out. I can run home get Andrew's old play pen he can sleep in that and tomorrow we will go shopping for baby stuff."
"Okay it will all be okay."
"Do you think you will be fine for 20 minutes?"
"No I have no clue what to do I didn't watch yours at this young."
"Okay fine Halo is here."
"Okay I'm a girl that doesn't mean I have a clue on what do to usally my mom is there."
"Fine I will take him with me then."
Zac puts Zane in his car seat and buckles him up I take all the things out of his diaper bag. I put 3 diapers, the wipes, a blanket, and an extra outfit in the bag I zip it up and put it on my shoulder.
"I will be back." I say.
"You owe me." He says.
"I know I do so I got you coverd I will be back in 20 minutes unless the baby pukes, pees, or poops." I say.
"Okay." He replies. I grab the car seat. I go to the car I open the door and set Zane on the front seat I put Emily's car seat in Andrew's. I put Zane in the back facing to the seat.
I buckle him down and put Emily's car seat up front with the diaper bag. I get in and start driving I go home and go to the garage. I grab Andrews old play pen and put it in the back. I get back in the car I put the blanket over Zane since he is sleeping.
We go back to Zac's house. I bring Zane the diaper bag and the play pen inside. I set the play pen down. I put Zane back on the counter. I set up the play pen in Zac's room. I lay Zane in it.
"What about a blanket?"
"You don't put a blanket in there until there are at least a 6 months old they can roll over with it and suffocate themselves the earliest is probably 5 months the latest and most safest is when they can roll over onto their stomachs."
"Hang the blankets on the edges of the crib or playpen."
"Okay should we make a list."
"If you wanna keep the play pen go ahead I don't need it."
"I will keep it for travel."
"Lets go." We go to the living room Halo was alseep I pick her up and put her in bed. I spend the next 2 hours talking to Zac making a list and answering questions.
Zane wakes up with a wet diaper I get him and Zac lays out the mat. I lay Zane on it and Zac changes his diaper. When he is done he puts Zane back to bed. I high five him and we go to bed.
*3 A.M.*
"Jace, Jace." I wake to Zac shaking my shoulder. I roll over to face him seeing as I was facing Halo.
"What?" I ask him half asleep
"I need help he won't stop crying he's hungry or mad or sick or something." I get up and grab Zane I make Zac hold him while I make him a bottle. I test the bottle and hand it to Zac. Zac sits down to feed him. I sit next to him.
"I have no clue what I would do without you." He says.
"Me either just wait till he starts walking and talking."
"I don't wanna think about it when will he start teething."
"Any day he can start babies can teeth as early as 3 months. Andrew nearly had a full set of teeth by the time he was 1 year."
"They make Tylenol for babies you can give that to him. Also get him a teething ring it helps his gums you can also use a bagel. Just take it apart and give him half when it gets soggy take it away and give him the other half."
"How do you know this?"
"My mom was shopping and Emily lost her teething ring and she wouldn't stop crying and I was going to have a bagle for breakfast. I noticed it's the same thing as a teething ring so I handed her half of it and she started chewing on it when it got soggy. I took it and gave her the other half she finished it off as soon as my mom walked in the door she had the teething ring the whole time."
"When can he start drinking like milk and juice and things like that?"
"6 months."
"Solid foods."
"About a year when he has a good amount of teeth he can eat like eggs, biscuits, pudding, mashed potatoes, lightly toasted bread you can put creamy peanut butter on it, bananas, soft things."
"When you start potty training get him a little plastic one with boys it's a little harder because if you have him sit on the toilet there isn't a guarantee it will go in the toilet and then he is to short to learn how to stand to do it. So if you get him a little plastic one he can learn how to stand and the only thing you have to worry about aim."
"Good advice."
"Oh and always get dressed after giving the baby a bath that one it only takes you once."
"Okay I wanna turn the guest room into his room."
"Alright sounds good."
"I really just need help. I have no clue what I am doing."
"Well I'm here for you. I got your back no matter what it's time for me to return the favor." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Well thanks."
"Lets go to bed again. Oh and rinse the bottle out it helps alot when you have to wash it and only wash them on the top rack of the dish washer."
"Okay sounds good." He rinses the bottle out and lays it in the sink we go back to bed. I have a feeling he will make an awesome father.
We wake up at 8:00 to Zane crying. Zac picks him up and changes his diaper. He makes him a bottle and feeds him. I help him warm the bottle up and then he gets Zane dressed he sets Zane on a blanket on the floor then he gets dressed and so does Halo.
When Halo comes out I get dressed. We all eat some food. I help Zane pack the diaper bag. We put 6 diapers, two outfits, 3 already made bottles, a blanket, the wipes, and two pairs of socks in the diaper bag. He zips up the bag. He changes Zane's diaper again.
We get are shoes on and Zac puts Zane's socks on and puts his shoes in the diaper bag. We head out but we take my truck because we need to get alot and the bed helps. I take both kids car seats out and put Zane in. I put the car seats inside and leave Zac sits in the back with Zane just to make sure he is okay.
"Protective father." I say looking at him.
"Yeah after you went to bed again last night I stayed up and watched him sleep until 4 I can't believe I have a son. I'm a dad I can't believe it." He says smiling.
"Well you are and your going to be a damn good one." I say.
"Yup you have done so much for me and now I'm going to return the favor."
"You don't have to."
"Yes I do now shut the hell up and take it cause your getting it."
"Okay." We get to the furniture store. We grab a cart for putting things on and we go to the crib section he gets a blue painted crib it wasn't huge but it wasn't small either.
We put it on the cart and pull it to the next isle he gets a baby changer that has a flat table on top and a shelf on the bottom to hold diaper, wipes, and things like that. We put it on the cart. We go to the strollers and he gets just a normal one seater stroller that can change from infant to toddler to kid. We go to check out.
"I will pay for it." I say and I think I just started an argument.
"No you don't have to."
"I got it."
"No you don't."
"Zac I'm paying for it and I will send you to the car."
"Let me pay you back then."
"Will it make you feel better?"
"Then you can pay me back."
"Thank you." I swipe my card and we leave the store we put the boxes in the bed of the truck. Zac closes it and Halo was hanging onto Zane the whole time. Zac puts him in the car and we get in only Zac sits inbetween us. We go to Walmart.
"You open up your credit card for anything thats not for you or your siblings I will whip a can of butt whoop on your ass." He says to me.
"Fine." I grab Zane and put him on the child seat in the cart. Zac takes the cart and we go to the baby section. He pick out clothes and hangs them on the side of the cart he gets so many that you couldn't fit a single item on it.
He gets a pack of 4 pacifiers, 6 packs of socks, 2 more pairs of shoes, baby powder, diaper rash cream, 12 blankets, 4 huge boxes of diapers, 6 things of diaper wipes, and a crap load of other things. By the time he is done the cart looks like a clothes rack and is filled to the brim with baby stuff.
"I never though that I would be buying baby stuff." He says.
"I did." I say and Halo laughs a little.
"Shut up asshole."
"Halo you have been so quiet." I say.
"Umm yeah I just don't see a reason to talk I can't help Zac I don't know how to raise a child." She shrugs her shoulders.
"Oh okay." I hug her and she hugs me back.
"I'm tired." She says.
"I know that means you just wanna lay on my shoulder and cuddle."
"Yeah it does."
"I promise that after I help Zac get settled with Zane you can come spend the night at my house we will cuddle all night."
"Don't cuddle to much or you will end up with what I have." I reach back and smack him in the stomach. He grabs his stomach and bends over.
"Fuck." He says.
"Shut up!" I say. I hug Halo again she hugs me back and puts her head on my chest.
"Thank you that makes me feel better." I bend down and kiss her.
"Any time babe." I let go and keep my arm around her waist. We walk to check out Halo and I put the clothes on the conver belt the man at the register starts taking hangers out and putting things in bags.
Halo and I just keep putting clothes on handfuls at a time we actually had to stop for a few minutes. I'm worried about Halo I hate seeing her look upset she just needs love and support and some cuddles. I start putting clothes on again. Zane starts crying.
"What's wrong?" Zac asks me.
"He's probably hungry." I tell him.
"Well he needs a warm bottle."
"There's a subway over there go ask them to warm it up."
"What no."
"Well he's hungry he won't stop crying till you feed him kinda like his dad."
"Jace you want me to ask a subway to warm up a bottle."
"Fine I will do it." I grab a bottle and walk up to subway I go to the cash register. A lady walks up.
"Can I help you?" She asks me.
"Yeah my friends baby is hungry and he don't have the balls to ask if you could warm up this bottle so could you please warm this up."
"Yeah sure how long would you like it in?" She asks me with a smile at the joke I told her.
"A minute will do thank you very much."
"No problem." She takes the bottle and warms up it she hands it back to me I test it on my fore arm.
"Thank you very much."
"You are very welcome." I walk back to the check out where Halo is still putting stuff on the conver belt. I hand the bottle to Zac.
"Here feed your kid." I say.
"Thank you."
"Next time your on your own."
"She just warmed it up."
"Yeah and I told her you have no balls." I say smiling.
"Thanks." He says rolling his eyes. He runs to get another cart since there is still stuff in the one he had and the bagging table was over flowing. He starts putting bags into the new cart while Halo holds Zane's bottle. I keep putting stuff on the conver belt.
We are still on clothes he is over $100 in just clothes and we are only half way through. I put 5 more things of clothes on the conver belt. The next 5 minutes I put clothes on the conver belt. Finally I get to the cart and the conver belt is is empty. I put stuff on it he slides it up slowly as I put things on it he gets to the stuff and starts scanning.
Halfway through the cart I just throw things on not caring. It was in a huge pile all over and there was still things in the cart Zac has gotten another cart I think this will be the last one. I let him nearly empty the conver belt. Zane is done eating.
I stick the bottle in the diaper bag. I put more on the conver belt. Zac was over $300 in baby things. When we finally get everything in carts we have three carts. We each grab one cart and head out we put the baby bouncer in the bed of the truck then puts the crib mattress in the bed of the truck then we pack the bed of the truck to the brim with bags and we still have some.
I put ratchet straps over everything. We put bags into the tool box on the truck and we have only one or two left. We put them in the back of the truck. We get in and Zac sits with Zane again. We go to Zac's house.
We bring in all the bags 10-20 bags at a time we put them in the living room with Zane on the counter. Zac changes his diaper. We continue bringing in bags finally with the living room full we get the crib, bouncer, changing table, and stroller.
Halo starts taking tags off and putting clothes in the washer. While she does the clothes and puts them in the three laundry baskets he owns we take the bed, and other items out of the spare room. It was 3:00 in the afternoon. We put it all in the basment.
When that is done Halo starts putting bottles and baby kitchen wear in the dish washer. She puts the formula away she opens the bouncer and puts it together as Zac and I build the crib. She changes a diaper and puts Zane in the bouncer.
She switches the laundry and puts another basket full in the washer. She fills the basket up again. Zac and I finish the crib it is 4:30 and the dresser is starting to get clothes in it. We feed Zane again. Zac and I build the baby changer it took us until five.
Halo puts diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, and baby powder on the shelf she puts extras under the shelf. We put the stroller together by now it is 5:30. Halo keeps doing laundry and putting things away. When we are finally done it is 8:00.
The dresser and closet if stuffed with baby stuff and Zac is more than prepared for father hood in material things. We decided to leave and go to my house. We leave Zac with Zane.
"If you need something text me or call me okay." I say
"Okay thank you so much."
"You are welcome." We hug and I put Emily's and Andrew's car seats in my truck. Halo and I leave we drive in separate cars to my house. We get there and put are stuff in my room I put all my things away.
"Hungry?" I ask her.
"Hell yeah." We laugh and go to the kitchen we find anything to eat which we didn't have to look far considering I always have food in the house. We get a bunch of food and sit in the living room and eat.
Flint comes up and lays on the back of the couch he purrs Halo and I cuddle while we eat. 9:00 we decide to go to bed. We start to get ready for bed.
"Hey do you mind if I shower I just feel sticky and nasty its not you it's just the day?" She asks she already knows I don't care.
"Yeah that's fine go ahead."
"Thanks your the best."
"Need help?" I ask her. I wink at her she looks at me funny.
"Thanks but I'm sure I can shower myself."
"Oh okay then I will be waiting for you here." We kiss a couple times then she goes into the bathroom. I strip completely naked and put on some shorts. I put on a shirt and crawl in bed. I'm tired and Halo is to. I get a text from Zac.
He asked if it was okay to leave the baby in a bouncer while he showers. I said yes as long a he makes it quick.
Halo comes out with a wet head she starts brushing her hair. When she is done she puts it in a simple 3 strained braid and lays down. We kiss and cuddle for a little I play with a strand of her hair that came lose and she just hangs onto me. We fall asleep holding each other.
We Are Free
Teen FictionJace has been struggling for a while now. With a 5 year old sister,a 2 year old brother, dead mother, and alchoholic father this 16 year old has been through a lot but he keeps fighting on. If one thing is for sure its that this teenager is anything...