Chapter 25: Life's a Circus

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A/N: This is a very long chapter. And may come off as a little boring at first. But it does get interesting towards the end. So, I hope it's not too bleh, if you know what I mean.

Peace and Love,



January 16, 1988
West Los Angeles
Leena's POV

"What's up?! We're Promise! And you are watching live at the release of our fourth album

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"What's up?! We're Promise! And you are watching live at the release of our fourth album....Circus!" Together we all clapped and began cheering along with the crowd of people who stood just a couple of feet below us.

There were hundreds of people filling the building: fans, media, other celebrities. All there to celebrate the release of our album that was finally in the world's hands. We was told that people have been dying for its release because of the singles that were being played on radios across the nation. Three of our singles were already number one in three countries, and we had two top dance videos in the nation so far. So, basically we were teasing our fans for holding on the album for so long. And who's fault was that? Liyah's. The album just had to be so perfect.

The flashing lights of the cameras were blinding my eyes as we all sat in chairs, looking out towards our screaming fans. They were jumping and shouting each and everyone of our names. Saying that they loved us. Saying that they missed us. This was a rush I could never get tired of seeing. All the attention being put on all of us as if we were royalty sitting on their thrones. I couldn't hold back my smile. I couldn't act as natural as Liyah, who was watching our crowd behind her Dior sunglasses with a lazy smile on her face.

MTV's own video jockey, Julie Brown, sat on the side of us holding a microphone up to her mouth as she spoke into one of the many camera's that were filming us. "Yes! They are Promise and they are all gorgeous!" Her British accent was echoing through the room. "We are Sony Music studios in Los Angeles celebrating the release of their fourth studio album! This is huge in the music world! I mean, massive! Because we have been waiting for months for this album to come out." Julie turned to us. "Ladies how does it feel to...finally have this record out for the world to listen to? I bet it's exciting."

"It is very exciting," Jojo said, happily into the microphone. "We very hard on this album to have it ready for you guys, and we just hope you enjoy it."

"We feel very rejuvenated," Liyah added with a smile.

"Now, it has been...almost ten years since the release of your debut album. And you guys have managed to go from being strictly R&B to dominating the Pop and even the rock charts." Her caterpillar like eyebrows began to curl with curiosity. "How did you manage to do that?"

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