Wakey sleepyheads..

122 21 10

I felt the warmth from the sunlight on my hand as i opened my eyes. "Shit!" I had looked at the clock, and realised it was 13.46 pm.

I was supposed to pick up my best friend at the train station at 14.00. I threw on some clothes and ran downstairs.

My dad was already dressed, and sat in the living room watching some tv-show. "Are you finally ready?" He said with a smile. I just nodded and ran towards the car.

The train station was crowded with people. I opened the car door and stepped outside. The only thing i could focus on was the merely painful burning sensation on my uncovered arm.

I slipped my arm inside my jacket, and it went away.

The women on the speakers announced that Laura's train would arrive in around 5 minutes.

Laura was the only person i had ever let come close to me. I suppose i do care about her.

"I'll wait in the car." My dad said. "So you to can catch up a bit."

"Thank's dad." I said, and continued walking towards the train station.

After what seemed like an eternity, a train started appearing driving fast towards the station.

It slowed down, and opened the doors. I could'nt see her in the crowd and started texting her.

"Chatherine!" I recognised the voice and turned around.

A smiling Laura was running towards me with a bag over her shoulders, and her headphones hanging dangerously around her neck.

She ran right into me, and almost pushed me over. She gave me a huge hug and smiled.

Since i moved, we had only spoken through social media and skype, and seeing the actual person was so much better.

I smiled back, and took her bag.

"Was the trip fun?" I said with a smile, knowing that trains made her nauseous.

"Really?" She smiled back.

Just the fact that she was here made me happy. She was the only person i have met that i consider an equal.

She is intelligent and understandable but at the same time, cool and nice.

"Guess what we're eating." I said.

"Knowing you and your WIDE sense of taste i really have no way of guessing cath", She said ironically.

"It's pizza." She smiled and started laughing. "Of course it is chaterine. It's like the ONLY thing you eat!"

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now