Glass doors are ment to be see-through

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"Chatherine." Laura said. "I have to tell you something." "What is it?" I said nervous. "I know.." Laura said and looked at me.



"Know what?" I said nervous, trying to laugh it off.

I knew exactly what she was talking about, and now i was anxious.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Laura said, without looking at me.

"Well, i thought that if you knew, you would leave. Or worse, you would tell everyone and i would be hunted."

"When did you find out?" I said.

"Well, i guess there has always been those little hints." "It was just a matter of time before i would understand the big picture."

Now i was genuienly scared. She was an unpredictable person, and there were no telling what she would do next.

"Girls? Are you up there? The pizza is ready." My dad yelled from downstairs.

"We should go." I said, knowing that this conversation was over for now.

"I love pizza." I said with a smile on my face. Laura was quiet. She just sat there fiddling with the pizza crust.

"Are you okay Laura?" My dad asked with half his mouth stuffed with pizza.

"Yes, im just not feeling well." She said. "I think i'll go and lay down for a bit."

She said and walked slowly up the stairs.

"Are you two fighting?" My dad said, and grabbed another slice.

"No, i guess she's just nauseous after her trip. I bet she'll get better soon."

I said, finishing my slice. I pushed the chair away from the table, and ran upstairs.

"It was a great dinner." I said to my dad, before i vanished up to the second floor.

I ran through the hallway, and up the stairs to my room. I knew exactly what she was doing, and i hoped to god that she wouldn't find it.

Too late.

I finished the last step, and saw Laura sitting on the floor holding a mug.

"Is this what i think it is?" Laura said hysterically.

"Yes." I said, and walked over to my bed.

"Chatherine, that is really disgusting." She said in a hatefull voice. I new exactly what happened next.

Time moved slower and slower, until it stopped completly.

Laura had lost grip of the mug, and it was now falling slowly towards the carpet.

Before even thinking, i ran over to Laura and grabbed the slowly falling mug.

Time became faster again. And i realised that no ordenary human could run that fast.

I turned around and saw Laura with an unforgetabble look on her face.

"I knew it." Laura said. "I bloody knew it.

I looked at laura. She was ghasping. Without realising, i had spilled the content of the mug on to the carpet.

Laura looked at me, and then we both looked at the blood-red stain wich was covering the white carpet..

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now