Birthday for everyone

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"It was a part of two pictures." I said, and showed Laura the picture from the book. "One of me, and one of my older twin." I said, and sighed. "Older twin?" Laura asked, and looked at me. "How is that even possible?"



Editors note: We are still in Chatherine's perspective, but the year is now 1573.

I laughed.

"That's not big enough." I said, and smiled to my sister.

"Yes it is." She said, and gave me a hug.

"To think that you are so big that you caught it yourself."

I smiled, and looked at the microscopic fish in my hand.

She was pretty much the nicest person in my world, and beautiful she was too.

Today was the day that i turned 15, and my sister had taken me out to the lake for a fishing trip.

"Don't you think dad wants us to come home?" I asked her, and looked at the big house behind us.

"Chatherine, we are just in the garden after all."

She said, and waved to our anxious father looking at us from the window.

I remember that he was so scared that we would fall into the water, he tied a thread in the small wooden boat.

So that if we had trouble, he could just drag us in to land.

I smiled to him, and showed him the fish. He smiled, and waved back.

"Chatherine?" She said, looking at the sky.

"What is it Elizabeth?" I asked her, and put the fish down.

"Next year i am turning 18." She said, and i could see that she was sad.

"And i don't want you to be scared if i go missing." She said, still looking up..

"What are you talking about? Are you being threatened?" I asked her, and looked at the fish.

"No, i just don't think i am coming home in a long time." She said.

"Girls. The dinner is ready, please hurry inside."

My dad said, waving from the balcony.

Elizabeth was quiet during the dinner.

"Did you catch any fish?" My mom asked, and smiled.

Most of the men of the other wealthy families in our time, was mean to their wives and children, but my dad was the nicest person in the world.

He always hugged mom, and respected her opinion. The other families thought that we were a bit wierd, but we were just nice to eachother.

"Yes mom. I caught a tiny carp." I said, and looked at the empty chair beside me.

The plauge that had been ruling the country for many years, took our uncle last sommer.

My brother looked at me.

"Are you okay Chatherine?" He asked, and gave me a friendly look.

He had become much nicer to me since our uncle passed away.

It was just mom, dad, Elizabeth, Thomas and me at home now.

"Yes, thank you. I was just thinking about our uncle."

I said, and he gave me a smile.

"Well, i just want you to know how grateful i am of my huge and happy family."

My dad said, and lifted his glass.

"A toast to my lovely family, and my beautiful daughter who turned 15 today."

He said, and we all lifted our glasses.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now