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"Please don't do it." I said in a scared voice. "Please don't kill me." A loud laugher filled the sky, and a mysterious black fog appeared. It spread everywhere, and it made seeing a lot harder. The creature landed in front of me, and i ghasped. "What?" I said, and the creature smiled.



Chatherine was standing in front of me, or at least something that looked like her.

I was shaking and it felt like my heart was going to explode because it was beating so fast.

"What!?" I asked her, and she smiled again.

Even creepier this time.

She tilted her head, and walked slowly closer.

I wasn't sure if she was even her anymore, but how did this happen?

How could she be this?

Was it the poison, because it has never affected anyone like this.

She opened her mouth, and i gasped. It was full of razersharp teeth.

"Do worry sister, you did this. I wasn't completely human when you turned me.

I was a hybrid, and this is what happens when you try to turn a hybrid."

She said, and chills were going down my back.

"What?! How?"

I asked, and got another smile in response.

"Chatherine stop!"

I heard a voice say, and i tried turning around.

I still couldn't move an inch, so i gave up.

Chatherine's face was now completely white, and i was starting to get curious about who it was.

The person wasn't human, that i could smell.

It was something familiar about the scent though.

Chatherine was still staring at the mysterious person, completely white in her face.

Slowly, the wings disappeared.

Her hair turned white, and the sharp teeth was replaced with her normal fangs.

She gave me a hateful look, before she collapsed on the ground.

Who was this person?

I tried moving again, and to my surprise, i could.

I quickly turned around, and saw a boy with white hair.

He started at me, and started running.

He was extremely fast, and i had trouble trying to follow him.

He stopped, and stared at me. I could see that he was a vampire to because of the fangs, but the other scent was completely unrecognisable.

Suddenly, two wings appeared on his back.

They looked like Chatherine's but they were green.

He turned around, and i could see that his teeth was extremely sharp too.

Was he a hybrid too?

And if he was, how did Chatherine know him?

I was confused, and i was tired.

A bird flew by me, and i sat down on the ground.

Tears was, once again, streaming down my face, and i placed my head in my hands.

Chatherine, a hybrid?

I felt betrayed, and sad.

So, the poison, it awakened her somehow?

My head was full of questions, and i felt i became dizzy.

Suddenly, the ground came closer and closer until i was laying down.

My eyes closed slowly, and i passed out.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now