The food-addict

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This is my friends George and Emma Mitchell. I haven't seen them in 216 years. It has been a long time indeed." I said, and Laura looked shocked. "Are they vampires too?" She asked, and looked at me. "Something like that." Geroge said, and smiled.



Editors note: We are still in Chatherine's perspective, but the year is now 1800.

I walked down the stairs, and saw that all the guests had arrived.

I walked into the kitchen, and saw Geroge standing there, smiling.

Emma was taking the food out of the oven, and i have got to admit, it smelled like heaven.

George turned around, and looked at me.

"Hi there, little one." He said, and i smiled.

"Really?" I asked him, and looked at Emma.

She raised her shoulders, and looked at George.

Emma sat the chicken on the table, and sighed.

"What is it?" I asked her, and looked at the food.

"It looks like shit." She said, and both George and i stared at her.

"What?" George said loudly. But before Emma could explain her self, Timothy walked in.

"What is this lovely smell?" He asked, and walked over to the table.

"Im sorry, but im afraid you'll have to wait." Emma said, looking at the food.

"Why?" The food-addict said, and sat down on the floor.

Timothy is a chef in practice, and he loves food. When i say love, i mean that he would eat almost anything just because he can.

Emma took a good grip on the bowl, and placed it on the table.

"Do you mind telling the guests that the food is ready?"

She asked Timothy, and he stood up lightning fast and ran into the living room.

"There he goes." George said, and i tried really hard to hold my laughter. Emma looked at us, and smiled.

"You two are so strange."

Editors note: we are now back in 2016

Laura looked at me.

"Something like that?" She asked.

"Emm, can i tell her?" I asked Emma, and she nodded.

"When this house was still being used, there was a fire." I said, and looked at George.

He looked sad, but i continued.

"They were trapped inside. And now they are somehow ghosts."

I said, and Laura looked shocked.

"Ghosts. But how can you touch them?" Laura asked, and i looked at George.

"We dont really know." He said and smiled.

"Chath, how and why does she know about you?" Emma asked, and looked at Laura.
"Oh, she kind of found out by her self." I said, and looked down.

"You are SO bad at keeping secrets. "She said, and sighed.

"So, this was your house?" Laura asked, and looked at them.

"Yes, but now it has gotten old, and nobody lives here anymore."

George said in a sad voice, and i saw that he was hiding something.

I focused, and read his mind.

"What if she finds out about Timothy? Or worse. What if Timothy finds out about her and this whole vampire thing?"

He thought, and i stared at him.

"Timothy? Is he here?" I asked Geroge, and Laura looked confused.

"Shit." He said, and looked at me.

"I forgot that you could do that."

I looked at Emma, and she was almost crying.

"You know that we didn't get out. Neither did Timothy."

She said, and started crying.

"What the hell?" I heard a familiar voice say, and turned around.

Timothy was standing behind me, with a really confused look on his face.

"How the BLOODY hell are you alive?" He said, almost shouted.

"I know that you got out of the house in time, i checked that you did.

Am i hallucinating?" He said, and sat down on the wet grass.

"What the hell Cahtherine?" Timothy said, and then he passed out.

"Can ghosts even pass out?" Laura said, and Geroge started laughing.

"Same Timothy i knew." I said, and looked at him.

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