Barnabarroch house

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"I think we are here." I said as loud as i could, and Laura woke up. "What, where?" She said disoriented, and climbed off my back. "Is it morning?" She said, and yawned. "Don't tell me that you have been walking since 4pm?" Laura said, and looked at me. "Ok, then i won't tell you." I said, and smiled.



Editors note: Yes, i added a photo to this chapter, but i thought it would make it easier to imagine the house.

"Where are we?" Laura asked, and looked around.

We were standing in the outskirts of the woods.

" Whauphill, Scotland." I said, and looked at her. Laura stared at me.

"Scotland? You are telling me that you ran all the way to scotland in one night?"

Laura yelled hysterically.

"It's one of the perks with super-speed." I said , and smiled to her.

A big, dilapidated house stood in the edge of the forest.

"You said that some friends of you owned a place." Laura said, staring at the broken down, shabby-looking house.

"I didn't say when." I said, and started walking towards the house.

"When was this even buildt." Laura asked, and ran after me.

"It was originally buildt in 1780. I remember how beautiful it was. Now it is falling apart."

I looked at the house.

"Well, come on, let me show you around." I said, and walked inside.

The house was messy. Pieces of wooden planks laid everywhere, and plants were growing in the walls.

The staircase was rotten, and i asked Laura to be very careful with walking in it.

On the second floor, there was a bedroom. I opened the door, and saw a big king-sized bed, with a matress.

It didn't look too shabby, so i threw my bag on the bed. This room was the only one in the house that still had a window, and i was thankful for that.

"What is it?" Laura asked, and sat down on the bed. I was confused, and looked at her.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" I said, and laid down on the bed.

"You look sad." She said, and checked her cellphone.

"My mom has called me seven times."

Laura looked at me, and i shaked my head.

"Don't call her. The police can trace phone calls." I said, and looked through the window.

Suddenly, to figures appeared outside the house, and i smiled.

"What is it now?" Laura asked, still angry for not getting to call her mom.

I ran out the door, and down the stairs. Laura looked at me, and ran after.

When i got outside, i stopped and smiled.

"I haven't seen you in a long time." I heard a man's voice say, and i turned around.

I smiled again, and gave him a hug.

"Oh, it has been a long time." I said, and looked at Laura.

"What about me? Can i get a hug?" I heard, and turned around again.

"Of course you can." I said, and gave the woman a hug.

"Who are they?" Laura asked, and looked confused.

"Oh, sorry Laura. This is my friends George and Emma Mitchell.

I haven't seen them in 216 years. It has been a long time indeed."

I said, and Laura looked shocked.

"Are they vampires too?" She asked, and looked at me.

"Something like that." Geroge said, and smiled.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now