Black fog

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"How can laying outside in the grass feel so wonderful." He said, and i smiled. "Do you want to go to the bookstore?" I asked him, and his face suddenly lit up. Leonard loved books, and the bookstore was his favourite place in the whole world. "Come on, we can go now if you want to." I said, and opened the door.



Editors note: The year is 2016, but we are now in Elizabeth's perspective

Oh, that's really interesting. I said to myself, and smiled. Thomas just happens to be nearby?

I sat down behind the tree, and watched them.

This Laura girl sure has some nerve going up against my brother.

Chatherine started screaming, and i smiled again.

This is payback, sister.

I watched Thomas as he picked her up, and grabbed the human's arm.

So he's going home now, is he?

He started super-speeding through the woods, and i followed after.

After a while, i got tired of running, and sat down.

Why did you try to get rid of me? I saved both your lives, and this is how you repay me?

By burying me alive?

I wiped away the single tear, and started running again.

When i saw the house, i stopped and sat down.

Thomas and Laura were sitting on the grass, and Chatherine was sitting in the tree.

I guess Thomas thought that he could hide her there?

I climbed up the tree from behind, and sat down on a branch.

Chatherine was still unconscious.

I walked slowly towards her, and pushed her down.

Thomas were quick to react, and ran fast towards the falling Chatherine.

He got there just a second to late, and i could see that she was bleeding.

I freezed.

Why is she reponding to the poison differently?

I have used it a million times on other vampires, but they never started bleeding.

Thomas lifted her up, and carried her into the house.

If there was one place that Chatherine shouldn't get allowed to be, it was here.

In our family's house.

The family that was killed.

I watched Thomas laying her into the bed, and stroking her hair.

After all of this, he still cared about that monster?

I was shocked and angry.

She never deserved any family at all.

I could only think of one thing, to kill Chatherine.

I felt my eyes becoming red, and i laid down on the grass.

Tear after tear streamed down my face, and i just wanted to fall into a black hole.

How could hate hurt so much?

I heard the sound of branches snapping behind me, and i turned around.

Thomas was standing there, staring at me.

"How could you do this? You really are heartless!"

He screamed, and i took a step back.

"She is your little sister, and you are trying to kill her!" He continued.

I felt my face becoming warmer, and i started crying again.

Thomas stopped, and looked at me.

"I'm not sorry Thomas. She is evil, and i hate her! I can't believe that you still love her, after what she did!"

He looked down, and i could see that he was crying too.

"The only thing that i regret, is that i didn't kill you when i had the chance."

He said, still looking down.

I wasn't sure if he was laughing or crying anymore.

Suddenly, i heard a noise coming from the sky.

We both looked up, and i froze.

"What the hell?" I said loudly, and

Thomas was shaking with fear.

"Oh no, what the hell have you done!"

He yelled, and started running towards the house.

I tried to follow, but i couldn't move. A creature with what seemed to be dragon wings, was flying over the sky.

It's eyes were completely black, and the hair was coloured blood-red.

It started flying towards me, and for the first time in my life, i was truly scared.

"Please don't do it."

I said in a scared voice.

"Please don't kill me."

A loud laugher filled the sky, and a mysterious black fog appeared.

It spread everywhere, and it made seeing a lot harder.

The creature landed in front of me, and i ghasped.


I said, and the creature smiled.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now