Twenty years

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"I have to get back to my house. I am getting it buildt now, so when you are older you can come visit me." She said, and smiled. I yawned and stood up. "Well, at least give me a hug before you leave." I said, and walked towards my sister. "I am going to miss you." I said, and started crying.



Editors note: We are (once again, again, again) in Chatherine's perspective, but now we are in the year 1578.

(5 years after Chatherine's "recovery" from the plague.)

I walked over to the door, and knocked five times. Thomas opened it, and stared at me.

He tried shutting the door closed, but i had my hand on the door frame.

"Go away!" He screamed, and tried running away from me.

I super-speeded over to him, and blocked his way.

"I am just going to ask you something Thomas. I am not going to kill you. Please calm down."

He stared at me with disgust, and he had every right to.

"What do you want, freak?" He asked me, in a hateful voice.

"Do you know where Elizabeth is?" I asked him.

"No, i haven't seen her since she came to visit five years ago. Why?"

He asked, and looked at me. "I am going to kill her."

I said, and smiled an evil smile.

"Ok, spawn of satan. Can i go back to my billiard match?"

He asked, and gave me an ugly face. I showed him my fangs, and his face turned white.

"You are the devil." He yelled, walking out of the room.

"Same to you." I shouted after him.

I sighed.

I really hoped that Thomas knew where she was.

I sat down on the grass field outside, and started crying.

Ever since Elizabeth came five years ago, my life had been turned upside down.

It took me a while, but i finally realised that the dream i had, was more reality than a dream.

I was born the year 1558, and if you do the math, i should have been around twenty now.

But i still look fifteen.
Elizabeth did this to me.

She was a monster. I started thinking about my dad, and then i was crying again.

I was all alone, and i had no idea for how long. I didn't like that Thomas hated me, but he had the right.

I killed his entire family, and he had no proof other than the fact that it looked like something a wild animal would do.

I buried my head in my hands. What was i supposed to do?

I sat down on my chair. All the other chairs was empty, except for mine.

My mum and dad was gone. My brother hated me to death, and Elizabeth was god knows where, doing god knows what.

I tried smiling, but the smile on my face turned into a sad one.

This was boring. I said to myself, and stood up.

I walked outside. It was raining, and the sun was nowhere to be seen. I walked over to the wet grass, and laid down. Then, i closed my eyes.

I was sad, and alone. I had no one. Why couldn't the plague kill me to?

It killed so many others. My uncle, to mention one. But i had to be the survivor.

Yeah me. I said ironically to myself, and laid back listening to the sound of rain dripping on the roof.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now