A helpfull friend

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"It was tragic what happened next.." He started saying, but before he could finish, Chatherine started screaming. "What is wrong?" I tried asking her, but she was unconscious. Thomas ran over to her, and smiled. "I forgive you." He said, and started crying. 



Editors nooote: we are still in Laua's perspective.

I became curious, and wondered what he was talking about.

I looked at Chatherine, and then at him. I could see that something had happened between them.

"Chath, are you okay?" He asked, and walked closer towards the helpless girl laying on the ground.

"Stop." I said to him, and walked over to chatherine.

"What did you just say?" He asked in an angry voice, and looked at me.

I was now standing between him and Chatherine, and i felt my heart beating faster.

I knew that if he was her brother, he had to be almost as old as her.

Maybe older?

"I'm just going to help my sister, if you don't mind?"

Thomas said, and pushed me away from her.

He was incredibly strong, and i suddenly knew that he was like her.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked him, but before he could answer, Chatherine started screaming again.

"Come on, we don't have too much time."

Thomas said, and lifted Chatherine up on his shoulder. He grabbed my arm, and i knew what was going to happen next.

I took a tight grip, and he started running.


It must have been hours, because the moon was now shining down on us.

"Where are we?" I asked him, and realised we were sitting in a garden.

"Home." He said, and looked at me. It was a big yard, with a little lake and some trees. "

What do you mean? Did you grow up here?" I asked the strange boy, and he looked sad.

"Yes." He said.

"But it is all gone now. All the happiness that used to fill this place.

All the animals, and the laughter.


Thomas said, and laid down on the grass.

I stood up, and started looking for Chatherine.

When i did, i turned around, and saw the most beautiful house i have ever seen.

It wasn't incredibly big, but it was lovely. It looked old though, and i guessed that it was built before the year 1558.

Chatherine was born here. I said to myself, and sighed.

"Where is she?" I asked him, and he pointed at one of the trees.

"I hid her there, in case Elizabeth would turn up."

He said, and now i was really confused.

"Would you mind please giving me some answers?"

I asked Thomas, and sat down on the wet grass.

"Ehm. Elizabeth have been after us for a-LOT of years now."

He said, and i looked down.

Before i could even start my sentence, i heard a loud bang.

Chatherine was laying on the grass, 20 feet below the tall tree.

"Chath!" He yelled, and ran over to her.

She was bleeding from her arm, and i was shocked.

Could vampires bleed?

Did they have a pulse or not? I was worried about my friend, and how terribly ill she was.

The worst part was that there were absolutely nothing i could do to help her.

Or was it?

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now