Would you tell me anything?

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The house was big with dark brown painted wooden walls and 3 floors counting the loft. "Can we go inside?" She said, Looking impressed. "Of course." My dad said. Laura smiled and opened the door.



"Wow." Laura said again. "It isn't THAT nice." I said, smiling ironically.

"You have a freaking chandelier in you hallway!" She said laughing.

I took of my shoes and asked Laura to do the same.

"Where is your room?" She asked.

"Come on, i'll show you." I said and we started walking up the big staircase.

When we had walked up the stair to the second floor, i started walking down the hall.

There were six doors in total on this floor, counting the door up to the old loft.

"What's in here?" Laura asked, pointing at my brothers bedroom door.

"It's Isaac's room." I said without looking.

"Oh. I have'nt seen him in a while." She said. Isaac is my little brother. He is celebrating his 7th birthday next month.

Isaac is a proper nerd. I'm not meaning that in a bad way. Isaac is really smart for a seven year old.

He is a little wierd though, and his haircut does'nt help exactly. Long light brown hair almost to his shoulders, with a wierd bang situation going on in the front.

"Where are we going?" Laura asked looking confused. "Are we going up there?"

I stopped and turned around. Laura had a nervous look on her face.

"My room is up there." I said, looking at the door again. It was a white wooden door with a metal door nob.

Basically just a normal wooden door. It was half open. Inside there were another staircase, exept that this had no light inside.

It was kinda creepy looking i have to say. "It's just a broken light bulb Laura. Its not dangerous."

"Okay, but if i die, i'll haunt you." Laura said smiling nervously.

I opened the door, and walked up the staircase. Since i was the only one up here, there were no need for me to have a bedroom door.

When we were up the staircase, we were already in my room.

"Wow." Laura said for the third time today. "Your room is a book-lovers heaven."

The first thing you see when you have walked up the staircase, is my bed. It is a one-personbed with atleast a hundred pillows on it.

All the walls of the room is lined with filled bookshelves. If you did'nt know i LOVE to read.

Then there is a single light hanging from the roof and my dresser placed behind my bed.

In the middle of my room there is a single chair. In the chair there is a pillow and some blankets.

On the floor there are a couple of books stacked on top of eachother.

"Where am i supposed to sleep?" Laura asked.

I walked over to my bed, sat down on the floor, and pulled out a mattress from under the bed.

"Oh, okay." She smiled. "There is something i have to tell you." She said looking nervous again.

"What?" I asked. Laura looked at me. She almost looked sad. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"If you had a secret, one that is really important. Would you tell me?" I looked at Laura.

Where was this coming from?

"Well of course i would." I said confused. "You are my best friend. I would tell you anything."

"Good." Laura said and looked at me.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now