Victorian England

18 17 0


Could vampires bleed? Did they have a pulse or not? I was worried about my friend, and how terribly ill she was. The worst part was that there were absolutely nothing i could do to help her. Or was it?



Editors note: The date is december the 26th, 1801. We are in Thomas's perspective, some months after his little fight with Chatherine.

(Yes i know i added a photo here to, but i think it will be easier to imagine the style back then:)

"Excuse me sir, may i have a moment?"

I heard a voice say from behind me, and i turned around.

A young boy was standing there, staring at me. He was poor, i could tell from his clothes.

A white, dirty shirt with holes in it, and a torn pair of trousers.

"It looks like you were born in a high status. Do you mind giving me and my siblings some money?"

He asked, and i sighed.

"Why would i even consider it." I said, and started walking again.

I could see that the homeless boy started crying, and i looked at him.

Chatherine would have given him money.

She is THAT nice.

I smiled to the boy, and walked towards him.

"Come with me, i want to give you some money."

I said, and took the little boy's hand.

"Wow." The boy said, when i opened the door. "

He let go of my hand, and ran inside.

"You have such a lovely home, sir." He said, smiling at me.

"Thank you. What's your name, boy?" I asked him, taking off my coat and folding it.

"Leonard, sir. Leonard Holdsworth." He said, while looking at everything.

"I'm sorry, Leonard. But i haven't eaten in a while."

I said, walking towards him with big steps.

"Sir?" He asked, in a scared voice.

"And i am CERTAINLY NOT my sister!"

I screamed, while running towards the little boy.

I remember his screams to this day.

I remember all the blood, and the look of sadness in his eyes.

Editors note: We are back to 2016, when Chatherine fell down from the tree:)

I walked over to my sister, and saw that she was bleeding.

I bendt down, and picked her up. Her human friend which name is Laura, i think, were standing there and looking at me.

I knew that she would never do anything to harm my sister, but i still couldn't find myself accepting her any time soon.

"Do you know what is wrong with her?" She asked, and i shaked my head.

"No, but i am going to find out." I said, and walked towards the house.

When i opened the door, Laura looked shocked.

"How is this house even standing?"

She asked, looking at the perfectly preserved house from the 1500s.

"Well, you have met George right?"

I asked, walking up the stairs.

"Yes, but how did he do this?" She asked, and followed me up the stairs.

I ignored her question, and finished the last step.

"Leonard!" I yelled, and the door opened.

Inside stood a pale, young boy wearing clothes from the victorian era.

"Who is this?" She asked, and walked towards him.

"My name is Leonard Holdsworth, miss." He said, and smiled.

"I need you to make a room ready for my sister."

I said to him, and he nodded.

"Of course, sir. It will be ready in no time."

Laura looked at me, and i could see that she was confused.

"Who was he? Why does he live here?"

She asked, and i ignored her again.

"You know, you are amazingly annoying?"

I said, and smiled when i saw Leonard walk around the corner.

"Her room is ready, sir."

He said, and i nodded.

"Thank you, Leonard. Why don't you go downstairs, and make us some tea?" I asked him, and he started walking down the stairs.

"I'm sorry, but i doubt that we have any human food."

I said to Chatherine's friend, and smiled.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now