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"It is as if you are a completely different person all of a sudden." She said still staring at me. "Well maybe im just more comfortable being myself now that you know what i am." I said, staring up at the ceiling.



I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a warm sunday morning, June 1815.

I was in an army amongst 68,000 men. I have had many faces, and many lives. But that one in particular i wouldn't mind if got forgotten.

Some was from Belgia, others was from germany and the rest from the U.K.

Most of us were frightened. We new very well who we were going up against.

Napoleon waited until midday to give the command to attack, in order to let the waterlogged ground dry after the previous night's rainstorm.

It was a whole lot of waiting, and the anticipation was almost unbearable.

Arthur gave the command to attack, and we had little choice against our commander.

Many of my friends and comrades were killed during that battle. I almost made it.

I almost got close enough to kill Napoleon. But i was betrayed. One of my oldest friends came from behind, and stabbed me in the back.

The sword piercing through my body was so painful, i doubt it is even imaginable.

I died that day.

In the battle of Waterloo.

"Are you okay?" Laura asked me.

"You are crying."

"It is nothing." I said, and wiped the tears away.

"It didn't look like nothing." Laura said.

"I just remembered something. From a while back actually."

"What did you remember?" Laura asked, and walked over to me.

"You asked when i was born?" I asked Laura, trying to change the subject. Laura looked at me.

"You don't have to tell me. It is not that important." Laura said smiling.

"I was born 17. November 1558. Exactly the same day that Queen Elizabeth the 1st started her reign over England and Ireland."

Laura was quiet. She just looked at me.

"That makes you 458 years old." Laura whispered, and sat down on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "I know it's a lot to take in."

"458." She mumbled.

It had been 2 hours, and Laura was still sitting there quiet. Suddenly, she stood up and looked at me.

A faint smile was present and i smiled to.

"What is it that made you so happy all of a sudden?" I asked her.

"Well you know a lot about history then?"

She said, and i could see where this was going.

"I'm not helping you with your history class." I said and smiled. Laura sighed.

"How did you know i was going to say that? Can you read minds or something?"

She said. I was quiet. Laura slowly realised that the silence was a yes, and looked at me.

"Can you read minds?!" She said, almost in a screamish voice. I smiled by the fact that she was freaking out.

Then she got quiet again. She was sad, and i knew that it was not okay to do it, but i had to know.

I focused, and suddenly i could hear what she was thinking.

"But all those awful things i was thinking earlier, she heard all of it?" She thought.

I said out-loud in a sad voice.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now