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I was beginning to get angry. "Alright, fine. If it is so hard for you, then don't. I am going to kill people on my own." He said, and ran out of the building. "Oh, no." I said out loud, and sighed. "Here we go again."



Editors note: We are still in Chatherine's perspective, but now we are back in 2016 :)

I was laying in bed. Since i had already slept one night this month, i did not need to sleep another one.

I turned on the radio, and tried finding a comfortable position to lay in.

Laura was snoring and mumbling in her sleep.

I sighed.

Well, this was boring.

I stood up as quiet as i could, and walked over to one of the bookshelfes.

Then, i raised my hand as high as i could, and grabbed a book from one of the highest shelves.

It was some dust on it, so i brushed it away.

The book was leather bound, and the pages was so old, they had turned brown.

The title of the book was Elizabeth, and i sighed.

"Hah, it has been a long time." I said to myself, and opened the book.

Some pictures fell out, and i bent down to pick them up.

One was of a little girl in front of a big house.

On the back of the picture, it was written: Newstead Abbey. Little elizabeth enjoying the sun.

In the bottom right corner of the page, the year 1860 was written in black ink.

"I think there were two of these." I said to myself, and browsed through the book, looking for another picture.

When i had looked through the entire book, i started getting nervous. "What if someone found it?

What if my dad found it? How would i explain to him that i am older than his parents?

I thought, and looked through the book again. Now i was really freaking out.

I ran downstairs as silent as i could, and looked through his files.

When i didn't find it there, i looked through the kitchen. I was on my way into the bathroom, when i saw it.

Shit! It was laying on the coffee table in the living room. That means my dad has seen it!

I ran into the living room, and picked it up. When i turned around, the lights was turned on, and my dad was standing in his pajamas looking at me.

"Would you like to explain this picture for me Chatherine?"

My dad said, in an angry tone. "Eh, it was a school project.

"I took an old picture of me, and photoshopped it into a picture of this house."

I said, trying to speak without freaking out.

"I have never seen that photo of you." My dad said in a cold tone.

I heard a loud noise coming from upstairs, and we both turned around.

When my dad had turned around, i ran as fast as i could up to my room, and grabbed the old leather book from the shelves.

Since i was not human, i could run extremely fast.

(Something all you readers already knew:))

Laura woke up while i was packing a bag, and sat up in the bed.

"What the hell are you doing now?" She asked, and yawned.

"My dad found a picture of me." I said, running un-humanly fast around in my room, packing clothes and old books.

"What?" She said, looking at the clock.

"Ehm, a picture of me standing in front of a house called Newstead Abbey, with the date 1862 on it."

I said hysterically, and started packing Laura's clothes.

"What? Newstead Abbey? Your dad? 1862?" Laura said, and looked confused by all the information.

"It was a part of two pictures." I said, and showed Laura the picture from the book.

"One of me, and one of my older twin." I said, and sighed.

"Older twin?" Laura asked, and looked at me.

"How is that even possible?"

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now