Passed out

15 17 1


"Don't." I heard Emma say, and he looked at her. "Maybe SHE is the one that killed Chath." He said, with tears in his eyes. "Chatherine had to get new friends at some point Tim." She said, and looked at the crying ghost.



Wow, he actually cared about Chatherine. I felt sorry for him.

He did die because of her, and now he thinks that she died and became a ghost anyways.

Timothy sat down, and laid his head in his hands.

"Did you know this whole time?" He asked, and looked at Emma.

"I'm sorry. She did not want you to know."

George came walking down the stairs with an angry look on his face.

"Im sorry, but she asked us to keep it a secret." George said, in an angry tone.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I asked, and walked towards him.

He was bleeding from a huge scar on his arm.

"Yes, it is just Timothy who is a bit violent. It is okay. Really, i promise."

Seconds after he said that, the scar disappeared from his arm, and he smiled.

"Ghosts can't be harmed." He said, and stared at Timothy.

Editors note: We are back in Chatherine's perspective. (Wow, i have no idea how many times i have written that:)

I smiled. That was easy, i said to myself, and looked at the deer laying on the ground.

Now, what am i going to tell Tim? I could tell him that i am Chatherine's twin or something?


He would see right through that. Maybe i should just tell him the truth?

The reason i didn't in the first place, was because he would die before me, and then i couldn't have been his friend forever.

That is how it goes right? Best friends forever.

Well, i hope so. I sighed, and started running towards the house.

The door looked nicer, and all the walls was intact.

I guess George told Laura about his wizard thing. I said to myself, and opened the door.

Emma and George was standing in a corner, and Laura was sitting on the floor, next to Timothy.

I looked at him, and saw that he had been crying.

"What the hell Chatherine?" He said, and stood up.

"We'll go." George said, and both Laura and Emma stood up.

They walked inside the kitchen, and leaved Timothy and me alone.

"Im sorry i never told you. I just thought that you would freak out." I said, and looked at him.

He looked exactly the same that he did all those years ago.

I looked down, and realised that i was crying
"I am freaking out now Chath. Why didn't you just tell me that you died that day, even though i tried to save you."

He said, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"No Tim." I said, and sat down on the floor.

"It is time i tell you the truth." I said, and sighed.

"I didn't die that day, i died a LONG time before that. Emms and George knew, but i asked them to keep it a secret.

I was born the 17. of November, 1558." He stared at me.

"What?!" He asked hysterically, and started shaking.

"I'm not a ghost either. I am something FAR worse." I said, and saw that Timothy was walking toward Laura's phone on the table.

He picked it up, and started pushing buttons. He stopped, and put the phone down.

"458?" He said, staring at me. "YOU ARE 458 YEARS OLD?" He said, and passed out again.

Well, i can't say that i didn't expect that from him. I stood up, and looked outside the window.

Why do i always, always have to pay? I said to myself, looking at the moon rising up from behind the trees.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now