The police man

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He wasn't that strongly built, maybe i could kill him now and no one would notice? No, if i did that, their suspicions would be confirmed. But how did they even get those suspicions in the first place? I smiled to him, and walked away from the door. "Of course. Make yourself at home." I said, and closed the door.



"Nice home you have." He said, and sat down in a chair.

"So, what is this about?" I asked him, and walked over to the kitchen. 

I opened one of the cabinets, and took out a box with tea-bags in it.

"Would you like some?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"Mister Ashworth, i don't think you understand the seriousness about this.

A girl has been murdered, and vitnesses claim seeing YOU leave the scene."

I turned around, and looked at him.

"What? I beg you pardon?"

I asked in a scared tone.

I heard a loud noise coming from the living-room, and i ran over.

Leonard was laying on the floor, surrounded by blood.

"Oh lord. We have to get him to a doctor this instant!"

The police man said, and walked over to Leonard.

"Yes, of course." I said, and felt that i was shaking.

"Are you okay, sir?"

The man asked, and looked at me.

"Yes, i'm just a little jumpy around blood. That's all."

I said to him, and tried keeping myself from super-speeding out of the house.

Just the smell of his blood made me thirsty, and i felt that my arm had become sweaty.

"Ok, help me pick him up so we can get him to a doctor."

I nodded, and walked slowly towards Leonard.

"What are you waiting for?"

The police man said, yelling.

"I'm sorry, i can't hold it anymore. Don't take it personal."

I said, before i ripped off his head.

Blood was everywhere, and i smiled.

"I told you so." I heard George say from the kitchen.

"Can you stop doing that? It's so freaky."

I said to him, and he smiled.

"Your friend needs help right now, or he won't make it."

George said, and i saw that he was smiling.

"Really George? You would go that far just to prove your point?"

I asked him, and he continued smiling.

"Well, i'm sorry, but i have to inform you that you just killed a vampire.

George stopped smiling, and he tilted his head so that he was looking directly at me.

"Thomas you bastard!" He yelled, and i smiled.

"I'll make you pay for this." He said, before he vanished.

"Leonard, stop sleeping on the job. You have a lot of blood to clean up."

I yelled, and heard the sound of bones breaking back into place.

"Why did he leave so quickly, master."

I heard Leonard say from inside the living-room.

"Oh, we just outsmarted him faster than we thought, Leonard."

I told him, and he nodded. "Would you like some tea, master?"

Leonard asked, and walked into the kitchen.

His shirt was full of holes, and it was almost completely red.

The top of the shirt was ripped apart, and the bottom was almost burned black.

I would guess that George used some kind of fire magic.

That coward.

"Sad about the clothes though." I said, and he looked down.

"I'm sorry master." He said, and i smiled.

"It's okay Leonard, accidents happen."

He looked up at me, and smiled.

"Thank you for always being so kind to me. I appreciate it, master."

He said, and i opened the cabinet.

"Just make sure that you do your job, and i will be as thoughtful and kind as possible."

I said, and heard Leonard running towards the living-room to clean up.

I think i really do care for him, have i gone completely mad?

I said to myself, and smiled.

Nah, i'm just happy today, that's all.

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