Running from the police

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"I was trying to make lasagna for your friend, because the only chef in the house is passed out cold on the floor." He said, and i started laughing too. George stepped over the glass, and walked over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked me, with a serious look on his face.



I looked at him, and saw that he was being serious.

I was about to answer, when i heard a phone ring.

"Im sorry, i have to take that." I said, and ran out of the kitchen.

I picked up Laura's phone, and looked at the display.

Shit. It was my little brother. I pressed the answer button, and felt i got a little nervous.

"Hi?" I said, and understood i had done somthing horribly wrong at once.

Oh, no.

"Wake up Laura!" I yelled to George, and he ran upstairs.

I know that it wasn't my brother. Laura's phone has an app that lets you see the caller's adress.

It was from the police station, and they can track phone calls.

I was shaking. I knew that if they found me, something horrible would happen.

I finally saw Laura walking slowly down the stairs, rubbing her eyes.

"We have to go." I said, and grabbed her arm.

"Im sorry George, i'll come another time to visit." I said, and gave him a hug.

I asked Laura to sit on my back, and ran out of the house.

I was running faster than i have ever ran in my entire life.

Both mine and Laura's life was at a risk now.

"What is it, and why are we running?" Laura asked, still rubbing her eyes.

"They found out where we were." I told her, while trying not to run into a tree.

"What? How?" She asked, and looked more awake.

"They tracked your phone." I said, while running across a field.

"What about Emma, George and Timothy?" She asked.

"Oh, don't worry about them. They can make themselves invisible if they want to.

They are after all ghosts." I said. Laura looked scared, and i have to say, i was a bit too.

When it felt like it had been hours, i stopped and sat down on the grass.

"Are you okay?" Laura asked, and sat down beside me.

"Yes, im just a bit tired. That's all." I said.

Laura laughed a bit, and i asked why.

"You really have no idea how you do it, do you?" She asked, and looked at me.

"Your eyes are red again." She said, and smiled.

I was confused.
I ate yesterday, why are they red now.

"I have a theory on why they get red without you knowing." Laura said, and opened her backpack.

"Maybe you are hungry? Or maybe when you feel strong emotions like happiness or fear?"

She said, and handed me a waterbottle.

"I knew that you would eventually get tired someday, so i asked Emma to go into the forest, and fill it with. Ehh, your kind of food.

" She said, and smiled. I was amazed. I never thought that i would meet a person that accepted me for what i am.

I smiled, and grabbed the water bottle.

I could see that Laura was really uncomfortable, so i walked some meters further into the woods, and
opened it there.

"Thank you, i really think that helped." I said, and smiled.

Laura looked at me, and grabbed the empty water bottle.

"So, where are we going?" She asked, and i realised that i had no idea where.

"That way." I said, and smiled to Laura. She sighed, and jumped on my back.

Suddenly, i remembered something.

"Hey, Chatherine. What's wrong?"

Laura asked, but i didn't answer.

I felt my body getting heavier, and i dropped Laura.

I watched the world spin around, as i fell down on the ground.

It seemed like an eternityWhere stories live. Discover now