Chapter Three; the note

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He grabbed my arm, yanking me back. I held tightly onto my textbooks, making sure not to drop them.

He took my free hand, separated my fingers, causing my hand to open up. He set a piece of paper in it and put my hand in his. He shut my hand close and began to walk off, slowly letting go. He looked back as he went down the hall. I smiled. He smiled back, turning the corner and disappearing.

I opened up the crumbled piece of paper and read it out loud.
"Call me," it read.
I turned over the piece of paper, viewing its back. I squealed and jumped up and down. It had his number on the back.

I took out my phone and began to walk into the hall, entering my science class.
Me being the socially awkward seventeen year old I am, entered the class, still on my phone.
"Ahem!" Mr. Dawnson fake caughed.
"Right," I said, putting it away and finding my seat.

The kids in my class burst out laughing, sending texts back and forth. My cheeks turned bright red. I pulled my red hoodie forward, hoping to hide my face.

"Enough!" Mr. Dawnson finally yelled out. "Now, turn your page to 156," he added. I turned my book a few pages to find the page I was looking for.
I shuffled my hand around in my desk, looking for my post its. When I found one, I unstuck it to its box and stuck it onto my page to keep my place.

The rest of the school day went by in a blur. At the end of the day, I found Ella talking to the cheerleaders. I grabbed her, facing her towards me. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked her, smiling.
The cheerleaders giggled and Ella agreed and walked away with me.

"What was so important that you had to drag me away from my rare conversation with them?" She whispered.
"I'm sorry, but you are going to want to see this," I said, putting the note from Rick in her hand.

"Oh my god," she read it.
"Is this from Rick?" She shouted out.
"I'm sorry, I don't think the whole school heard you loud enough," I smiled sarcastically.

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