Chapter Twenty Five: darkness

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The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat, grabbing my backpack and running out of last period.

I was almost out the door when I was forcefully yanked back.

I was relieved when I saw who it was.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Edison hugged me.

I pushed him off and shrugged.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, I just think we need to talk," I replied, giving him a wide fake smile.

"Alright, go ahead," he laughed.

"Its about, you know, the promise."

His cheeks went bright red and he nervously brushed through his hair.

"I just need some time."

"What do you mean?"

"Edison, you're an amazing guy, trust me you are. But with everything happening, I can't do this," I handed him my ring.

"Oh. Well, um, yeah," he laughed, sadly.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I am," I smiled and walked out.

I felt like I had just been torn into two pieces. I had been up all night practicing those lines and trying not to break down. Well, here I was. My head up high, although thats not how I feel. To him, I'm a jerk who ripped his heart in half and smiled to myself, easy as cake.

I wanted to run into his arms and run away. Forever.

With him by my side.

I wanted to start a family with him and leave my pack in the past.

Daydreams. That was the only five minute escape. Of course, you were always snapped back into reality.

I was pushed out the door and onto the ground by laughing jocks.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

Wolf Academy, your average high school, whats the difference?

You have the jocks, cheerleaders, popular guys, outcasts, dorks, science freaks (basically dorks) and too many to count. We're all put into the same traumatic school and everyone expects us to get out alive. Especially here, at your local vicious Wolf Academy. Claws, fangs, and nasty tempers.

Welcome to my world.

I started walking out of this horrible school, although I'm still confused as to how you call this crappy place that we're forced to attend hours of torture to, 'a school.'

Or maybe thats just my moody opinion.

Fifteen minutes later I arrived at my cottage, oh how I missed it for the seven hours I was away and sent to torture.

I walked into the door and searched the fridge for just about anything I could munch on. I took a chocolate chip granola bar and Caprisun with me into my bedroom where I took out my textbooks and began to study.

Twenty minutes later, I heard knocking on my front door.

I ignored it. Then, it started again.

I shut my textbooks and got up.

"Hello?" I asked, opening the door.

Before I could process what was happening, my whole word went black in a quick blur.

Panicking, I tried to move but failed. Something was holding me, more like someone.

Then, everything slowly faded away. There was still black with a bit of light.

Was this it? Was this how I was going to die?

Oo! Exciting new chapter! Enjoy!
-Claire, the author.

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