Chapter Thirty Eight: Tonight

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"I-I love you too," I stuttered and blushed.

"We're engaged," he smiled.

"I know- its crazy."

"In the best way possible?" He asked.

"In the best way possible," I replied.

*ring ring*
I dropped my spoon into my cereal bowl and unlocked my phone. I took a quick look at who could be calling me so early, then saw it was Lena and immediately accepted the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Lena? Please tell me this is almost done," I sighed.

"It will be as long as you found their weakness," she replied, firmly.

"About that," I chuckled nervously.

"Yes?" Lena asked, slightly irritated.

"I-I'm their weakness," I continued.

Their was silence on the other end of the phone for a while until Lena broke the ice; "I won't hurt you, Elena. But thats exactly what we need to make them to think."

"I agree, and I'm in," I said, bravely.

"Really?" Lena asked, excited at a final chance to defeat them.

"Yes, I am so done with them."

"Thats great, El! You're really helping, and I'm not too great at thank yous," Lena began.. "but, I appreciate it. Thank you."

I squealed, really happy to know Lena did appreciate how much I did. She made me feel a bit useless sometimes, to be completely honest. As if all I was doing wasn't enough.

"Lena said thank you, Lena said thank you, Lena said thank you," I mocked.

"Don't push it," she replied firmly. Then a moment later, we both burst into laughter.

"Okay. Well, as much as I enjoyed that friendly bond, I gotta go plan this. Its happening tonight at six, be ready and act as best as you can. See you soon," she hung up.

I smiled and shut my phone off, put my soggy cereal in the sink, and headed right for the shower when I heard a knock at the door.

I titled my head, confused at who could be knocking this early. A rush of nervousness came through me when I thought about the worst ideas imaginable, such as Aiden over hearing my risky conversation with Lena.

I hoped for the best, opened the door and was super relived to see Edison standing in the doorway.

"Hey, beautiful," he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, future husband," I giggled.

"Way closer than the future," he mumbled.

"What?" I asked, over hearing his mumble.

He put his hands on my shoulder and looked down at me, worried.

"Elena- I know its a rush.. But there's something I need to tell you," he sighed.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"We have to get married.. Tonight," he finally spit the words out.

I gasped, happy and nervous.

"Edison, thats great!"

"Really?" He laughed, joyfully.

"Yes!" I giggled and hugged him.

"When?" I smiled.

"Eight," he kissed my cheek.

"Eight it is. I'm getting married with the love of my life, woah."

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